Chapter 19 Submission_1


Fang Zhen took a deep breath, calmed his emotions, and said, "My Fang family has lived in Ning City for many years, deeply rooted here. My elder brother was even the magistrate of Ning City, loving his people like his own children. As to how my Fang family has been regarded in Ning City all these years, Lord Gu does not believe, he can go ask around in the streets. What is there to investigate about a family like ours?"

"Furthermore," Fang Zhen paused for a moment before continuing, "even if there is a case to be investigated, it can be discussed amicably. Lord Gu came in with force and even resorted to violence, injuring people. What is this, does a court-appointed official, armed with authority, have the right to be so unreasonable, so overbearing?!"

Right from the start, Fang Zhen had placed a heavy accusation on Gu Chen, and his words immediately lit up the eyes of the Fang family members.

Seeing that Gu Chen did not respond, Fang Zhen took advantage of the situation, unrelenting in his argument, "When my elder brother was alive, he once said, 'Court-appointed officials, wielding great authority, must set an example. Therefore, when investigating cases, one must adhere to legal principles and evidence. If all the officials in Da Xia were to behave like Lord Gu, abusing power as soon as they have it, relying on their status to injure people and forcefully enter the homes of the common people, I'm afraid the world would have fallen into chaos long ago!'"

"Lord Gu's actions today, I think I must report them directly, taking the matter to Tiandu. I believe the princes and nobles of the court will never tolerate someone disturbing the laws and regulations of Da Xia so wantonly!"

"Yes, that's right!"

"Abusing power, injuring people, we must take it to Tiandu!"

With these words from Fang Zhen, the Fang family members immediately erupted into an agitated chorus of support.

Seeing this, Wu Qian felt a surge of apprehension and his face showed panic as he looked towards Gu Chen.

Gu Chen, however, remained unfazed, a slight smile even appeared on his face. He looked at Fang Zhen, who was speaking eloquently and confidently, and said, "You said you need evidence?"

"Exactly," Fang Zhen stated emphatically, "We need evidence; without it, our Fang family will absolutely not accept any charges. If Lord Gu has evidence, then by all means, bring it out. If the evidence is conclusive, the members of the Fang family will have nothing to say and will submit to Lord Gu's judgment."

Fang Zhen dared to say this because he was certain that Gu Chen had no evidence.

Moreover, their family head, Fang Yong, the magistrate of Ning City, had died at Gu Chen's hands. They were already accommodating by not going to question Gu Chen, and now Gu Chen even dared to come to the Fang's doorstep, claiming to investigate the Fang family. Naturally, Fang Zhen disagreed.

In fact, Gu Chen could tell as much. He knew the Fang family had grievances regarding Fang Yong's death, and the Fang family harbored resentment, deliberately targeting him here.

But that was to be expected. Without Fang Yong, the Fang family's status would undoubtedly drop significantly, and the family's interests would suffer great loss.

But even so, what of it?

Gu Chen indeed had no evidence in his hands, but today, he was determined to investigate the Fang family!

Gu Chen looked on calmly at Fang Zhen, who was hopping mad, and facing the Fang family members, he stood there and uttered just seven words.

"My word is the evidence!"

Upon hearing this, Fang Zhen's face suddenly stiffened; he had not expected Gu Chen to completely defy convention.

Gu Chen stood there, dressed in black robes, tall and straight, his handsome face expressing serene confidence, his sword-like eyebrows slanting into his temples, exuding an air of utter composure. He declared, "If the Fang family refuses to accept this, feel free to take it to Tiandu. I will wait for you. But that is a concern for later. Right now, I am here to investigate, and if the Fang family refuses to cooperate, I will have no choice but to take every single member of the Fang family into custody for interrogation."

"You wouldn't dare?!"

Hearing Gu Chen threaten to take the entire Fang family into custody, Fang Zhen immediately lost his nerves, no longer maintaining his earlier smugness.

"Do you question whether I dare? The magistrate of Ning City, Fang Yong, was possessed by a demon, intending to bring chaos to Ning City, and had been slain by me last night. Given the attitude of your Fang family today, I highly suspect that all of you have been tainted by the demon, deliberately opposing the court. If that is the case, I may have to take drastic measures!"

At this moment, Gu Chen's gaze was sharp, his presence commanding, exuding a daunting force that quelled Fang Zhen's arrogance and left him choking on his words, unable to utter a single one.

Looking at Gu Chen before him, Fang Zhen had no doubt that this young man meant what he said.



"At that moment, the woman who had run to Fang Tangjin's side shouted loudly, "Nonsense! How could my lord possibly be possessed by a demon? He loved the people as his own children; everyone in Ning City knows this. And now, after his death, you dare slander him like this. Your intentions are despicable. I will sue you, I will go to Tiandu and sue you!"

Fang Yong's wife clutched Fang Tangjin, constantly yelling, but Gu Chen paid her no attention.

Turning his gaze, Gu Chen said to Wu Qian by his side, "Constable Wu, I command you to go to the county office immediately and deploy personnel to arrest all members of the Fang family and jail them, awaiting their fate."

Upon hearing this, Wu Qian glanced at the Fang family, hesitation showing on his face, and said, "Lord Gu, this..."

Gu Chen, serene as ever, spoke lightly, "Don't worry, with this official here, they cannot turn the sky upside down!"

Seeing Gu Chen's resolve, Wu Qian bowed and said with a salute, "Wu Qian obeys the command!"

Witnessing Gu Chen's determination, Fang Zhen knew that Gu Chen meant serious business. A misstep today and the entire Fang family could truly end up in jail. If that happened, it would be too late for anything, let alone going to Tiandu to file a complaint.

If our lives are at risk, who will go to sue?

At this moment, all members of the Fang family were thrown into panic, each standing there, unsure of what to do.

"This is all a one-sided claim from you. The Fang family refuses to accept this. You can't do this. Without any evidence, you actually want to throw all the members of our family into jail. You're going too far!" Fang Zhen was truly desperate, his eyes bloodshot.

Gu Chen glanced at him, his expression impassive, as he spoke, "All matters related to demons are top priority in Da Xia, and the Jing Tian Department has the authority to decide on such cases independently. I have the power to execute and report later even for an imperial official, let alone a minor family such as yours."

"You dare speak of laws and evidence without even knowing Da Xia's legal code. Ridiculous!"

Wu Qian glanced at Gu Chen by his side, never expecting Gu Chen, at such a young age, to not only be highly skilled but also so tough and resolute.

For the Fang family to encounter someone like Gu Chen and still think they could cause trouble—it's like a long-lived old man courting death by swallowing poison."

"Wu Qian, why are you still standing there?"

At those words, Wu Qian was visibly shaken and reverently said, "Lord Gu, please wait a moment, I will go now."


Fang Zhen hastily said, "Lord Gu, Lord Gu, let's talk this out, please don't do this, we can discuss everything."

At this point, seeing how adamant Gu Chen was, Fang Zhen was thrown into utter disarray, his attitude making a complete one-eighty turn, no longer daring to act as before.

"What, you know fear now? Too bad, it's too late." Gu Chen said, while simultaneously signaling Wu Qian to call for reinforcements from the county office.

"Lord Gu, I beg you, spare our lives. It was the Fang family who caused all this trouble, we were in the wrong. Please, Lord Gu, show magnanimity and spare us this once," Fang Zhen begged, his face ashen, continuously pleading with Gu Chen.

One could say, the prouder he was before, the more remorseful he was now.

It takes a villain to subdue another. Gu Chen naturally felt no sympathy for someone like Fang Zhen. Without giving them a harsh lesson, they would really think they could get the better of Gu Chen.

However, considering the Fang family was so numerous and the county office had just lost many of its officers the day before, they were short on manpower. Arresting all members of the Fang family would be a waste of time.

Now that the Fang family had shown submission, there was no longer a need for that. Therefore, Gu Chen said, "Since that's the case, now immediately, in the shortest amount of time, gather every single one of your family, no matter man or woman, old or young, before me."

"Yes, as you command," Fang Zhen said weakly, no longer daring to defy Gu Chen and hurriedly gave orders to his servants nearby, instructing them to pass on the command quickly.

This time the Fang family truly learned their lesson, showing great efficiency. Within a short while, all members of the Fang family stood before Gu Chen.