402 Chapter King Huai's Ambition_2

Coagulation Field realm, as the name suggests, refers to the level where martial artists have condensed their own "field." Within it, Coagulation Field martial artists are akin to gods, capable of determining anyone's life or death with just a thought!

"You refuse me so simply, without even asking for the reason," King Huai asked with a deep voice, his displeasure apparent.

Gu Chen understood clearly; to cooperate with King Huai was like scheming with a tiger for its skin, how could he possibly agree?

Seeing that Gu Chen remained silent, King Huai's gaze turned cold, his voice suddenly raised as he said, "To slight me in such a manner, aren't you afraid I will kill you?!"

In that moment, an astonishing chill rushed forth, and Gu Chen felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. King Huai's power was terrifying!