Chapter 412: The Old Taoist's Decision (Three more updates of ten thousand words, seeking subscriptions!)_1

Jiangzhou, besides Shen Zhou, is the second largest state among the nine states, with an extensive territory, a large population, and abundant prosperity. Merchants travel its roads without end.

Located within the territory of Wuyang Mansion, Jiangzhou, Dragon Tiger Mountain is a majestic peak towering at thirteen hundred zhang. It is also Jiangzhou's most remarkable mountain.

It is rumored that the Dragon Tiger Mountain Celestial Master, the founder of the Celestial Master faith, once practiced alchemy here. The moment the first batch of Dragon Tiger Zijin Pills was successfully created, visions of dragons and tigers appeared in the sky above, hence the mountain's name.

At the highest point of Dragon Tiger Mountain, the winds howl, and clouds enshroud; the air is pure, the vegetation lush, and the Heavenly Earth Essence Qi somewhat dense, making one feel refreshed and at peace.

Standing here, looking up, the great sun in the sky almost seems within reach.