Chapter 486 Martial Arts Perfection_1


Pfft, pfft, pfft...

Blood splattered, and all was deathly silent between heaven and earth, the only sound being that of dying.

Like reaping wheat, Gu Chen's expression was indifferent as he continuously reaped the lives of one barbarian soldier after another.

As for those demons, they had been exterminated by Gu Chen long ago.

Having reached the Coagulation Field realm, Gu Chen's strength and cultivation, including his spirit, were said to be inexhaustible, not to mention the presence of the Heavenly Seed within his body. Unless he faced the most brutal battle against a figure like Tower Supervisor Dugu Yun, leader of the demon cult, Gu Chen would absolutely not be exhausted.

In front of such a Gu Chen, even an army of five hundred thousand barbarian troops seemed insufficient, killing them was as simple as plucking weeds.