
The man in front of him was big and round. His face glistened with oil, and his bull-like eyes were stared at Cheng Xu, who had just opened the door.

"I don't want much from you either, just eighty thousand. After you give me the money, we'll have nothing to do with each other."

Cheng Xu could not be more familiar with this man, who would ask for money the moment he arrived.

Cheng Dafa, the son of Cheng Xu's grandfather.

It was obvious that the good-looking Cheng Xu and Cheng Dafa were not related.

He had long known that he was picked up from the streets. As for his biological parents, Cheng Xu had lost interest in them long ago.

This was not the first time Cheng Dafa had come to harass him, and the reason for this was this scrap recycling center.

His grandfather's son would idle around all year round, and had never given the old man a single cent in many years. Instead, he would come to his father every once in a while to ask for some money to spend.

Cheng Xu used to call him uncle, but ever since he slapped the old man's face when he failed to get money from him, Cheng Xu had ignored him.

He did come to visit his grandfather before he passed away, but when he heard that the old man wanted to leave the scrap recycling center to Cheng Xu, he cursed him by calling him an "old f*rt" and left.

Grandfather had made a verbal will, and several distant relatives had witnessed it. Even the neaby residents knew about it.

But it was no use. If Cheng Dafa was a reasonable person, there would not have been so many problems.

"Let me remind you, verbal wills are also legally binding. This scrap recycling center has nothing to do with you, so why should I give you money?" Cheng Xu did not avoid his gaze. Instead, he looked at Cheng Dafa and spoke calmly.

Cheng Dafa sneered.

"Nothing to do with me? This scrapyard sign has my name on it. Besides, I'm his son. His assets are mine."

Cheng Xu couldn not help but laugh when he heard this.

"Are you worthy? Other than asking for money, when have you ever acted like a son?"

Their quarrel quickly attracted the attention of the surrounding residents. After a while, the courtyard was surrounded by many residents.

Cheng Xu's words obviously angered Cheng Dafa, and he was about to come and hit Cheng Xu while cursing and swearing.

"Hey, you can talk, but you can't fight." The aunties outside could not stand it anymore and came in to stop the fight.

"I don't know where this useless thing came from, but it's trying to take our Cheng family's property."

Just as Cheng Dafa raised his hand and was about to slap the rude boy, he suddenly blacked out and lost consciousness. He fainted and fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

The residents were walking into the courtyard when they saw Cheng Dafa sway twice and fall to the ground.

"Child, were you scared?"

The person who said this was Grandma Wang, who lived across the courtyard. She loved to come over to chat when she had nothing to do, and had watched Cheng Xu grow up.

She turned her head and scolded Cheng Dafa who was on the ground. "This b*stard should just die."

Cheng Xu wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Grandma Wang, I'm fine. I think he might have fainted from high blood pressure. Why don't you call an ambulance for him?"

"Alright, we'll all be your witnesses. He can't blackmail you."

"That's right, this Cheng Dafa is too much. It's not easy for you to live alone, and he still has the gall to come to you for money. "

Hearing the words of these residents, Cheng Xu suddenly felt warm in his heart. He smiled and said, "I'm fine. Thank you for today, everyone."

"What's there to thank us for? We didn't even help much."

"That's right. I still have a lot of vegetables in my vegetable garden. You can go and pick some later."

After chatting with the residents for a while, the ambulance arrived, and after asking about the cause of his condition, they took Cheng Dafa away.

Cheng Xu heaved a sigh of relief when he returned to his room. He was famished, so he resumed eating his bowl of egg noodles that had turned cold. 

Last night, he had tried to use his ability, and several mosquitoes died on his bed. 

Just now was his first time using his ability on a human.

He had only focused his mind on Cheng Dafa's neck to control the blood flow.

Of course, the effect was also quite obvious. Even the fat Cheng Dafa quickly fainted due to lack of oxygen in his brain.

He had learned this move from watching judo competitions on TV, and the principle was the same as a rear naked choke.

Actually, if the blood had stopped flowing for a while longer, there would have been no need to call the ambulance.

He almost lost control of his anger, but fortunately, he managed to calm down.

'How dare he ask for 80,000 yuan!' He probably did not even consider whether he could get that much money even if he sold the whole scrapyard.

Speaking of money, Cheng Xu really had no money on hand now.

Because Cheng Dafa always came to ask for money, the family did not have many savings. In addition, grandpa had been sick and was hospitalized, so almost all the cash was used up there.

All his assets were worth less than 5,000 yuan. This money was not only used to maintain his living expenses, but also to buy scrap. It was not enough at all.

100 grams of gold would cost at least 30,000 yuan.

Cheng Xu looked out the window at the goods piled up in the courtyard outside, thinking that it was time to clear out the stock.

When he came to a large pile of scrap metal in the corner, Cheng Xu had some ideas.

He first removed the rust, paint, plastic, and other impurities from the scrap metal, then condensed the liquid iron together.

After much effort, the pile of scrap metal finally turned into shiny steel ingots.

Compared to scrap metal, each ton of steel could be sold for about 100 yuan more.

Although it was not a lot of money, at least Cheng Xu only burned two steamed buns' worth of energy.

Moreover, he found that after using the system's ability a few times, he was becoming more accustomed to the transmutation of matter.

In fact, he had thought about it before. 'Could transmutation be done at will psychokinesis just like in those science fiction movies?' However, after some experimentation, he realized that the effect range seemed to be limited to around a meter around him, and so, he could only give up the thought.

He headed over to the other side of the courtyard, where there was a pile of unpacked cardboard boxes. 

Actually, for the longest time, the recycling center's most profitable recyclables were the cardboard boxes. Not so much because they actually had good resale value, but because of the unspoken rule of marked up prices.

The well-packed cardboard boxes were rinsed down with a hose first before they were put under the sun for two or three days. At this point, the moisture on the outer layer of the boxes had basically dried, but the moisture inside would not dry so easily.

In this way, the pile of cardboard boxes could increase the weight several times over.

Even if he bought the cardboard at the same price and sold it again, he could still make quite a bit of money because of the added weight.

There were even more excessive cases where they directly stuffed soil into the boxes to increase the weight.

Of course, he had to pay attention to the quality of the goods when he purchased them. If he saw a problem, he would immediately lower the unit price, and there was nothing the seller could say about it. In fact, with Cheng Xu's current ability, it would be too easy for him to make a fuss about this.

However, he did not resort to that. He already possessed a system, so it would be too demeaning to do such a thing.

He used his dimensional pocket to collect the pile of iron pieces on the ground. Then, he went to the three-wheeled motorcycle, which had been in his service for ten years, and took out the steel ingots from his pocket and loaded them onto the cart.

He did not know what other people would think if they saw him using his dimensional pocket like this, but Cheng Xu figured that he could weasel himself out of that situation.

He put on his helmet and rode his beloved little three-wheeled motorcycle out. He was now the most handsome boy on the street... until he met his female classmate on the side of the road.