I'll Take It

This car was different from the Audi A4 that Huang Junjie had bought some time ago. After checking the entire car, he confirmed that there was nothing wrong with it. It seemed that he could only start with the details.

"You just mentioned that the car's configurations cost more than a few hundred thousand yuan, right?"

Cheng Xu walked to the salesman's side and started to work under Gao Qingyun's eye signal. 

"Yes, sir, and the configurations of this car is excellent."

Even in the face of Cheng Xu, who was obviously not the main customer, the salesman still showed a professional service attitude.

Cheng Xu continued after the salesman nodded, "In other words, the original car is worth about 600,000 yuan. With the additional few hundred thousand yuan, the total price is 810,000 yuan."

"Although the Porsche's configurations are meant to increase profits, I have to say that there are personalized parts here, so I can't say that they're completely worthless."

The salesman laughed awkwardly when he heard this. He could have guessed what Cheng Xu was going to say.

"However, the personalized configurations are only for the first car owner. For the car owners after that, their value may be greatly reduced. To put it simply, it's just like carrots and cabbages. Everyone has their own preferences."

Fortunately, although Cheng Xu could not afford these luxury cars, he had watched a lot of short videos on vehicle knowledge and often browsed through an application on his phone that had a lot of information on cars, so he had learned quite a few things.

The more Cheng Xu said, the more he devalued the hundreds of thousands of yuan worth of optional configurations. The salesman finally could not bear it anymore

"It's like this, sir. Most of the configurations in this car are very practical and universal, so the value of these items are still there. Also, you can't buy a new car at its selling price. After all, it's an unspoken rule that you can't buy a naked Porsche."

After saying this, the salesman heaved a sigh of relief. He could not just stay caught in the direction of Cheng Xu's speech.

"Alright, I partially agree with what you said." Cheng Xu smiled and did not seem to be bothered by the expensive configurations.

The salesman heaved another sigh of relief when he heard Cheng Xu's words. It seemed that the bonus for this car would not be small...


Cheng Xu's sudden change in tone caused even Gao Qingyun to turn her head to look at him, wanting to know what he was going to say next.

"Why did the car owner spend so much money on the configurations but did not configure the color label on the wheel hub? "

Only after hearing this did Gao Qingyun turn her gaze to the side. When she realized that the Porsche logo on the wheels was indeed black and white, her face turned dark.

Actually, a color label selection was not very expensive. It only cost about 2,000 yuan. But they had no choice, people would only pay attention to the exterior.

If you could not even afford a 2,000-yuan logo, people would naturally assume that the configurations inside are not good. This was really unacceptable for some car owners who care about their reputation.

When the salesman heard this, he broke out in a cold sweat. 'He saw through us. Was the previous car owner stupid? Why did he have to save 2,000 yuan?'

However, he had no choice but to explain, "This price on this label is actually only about 2,000 yuan. It's not a big deal."

"I apologize then. It's because of this logo that my boss' impression of this car has been greatly reduced."

This time, Cheng Xu's smile was even more radiant. He had once again taken the initiative.

"Of course, my boss isn't short on money, but she has a good reputation. You say that it's just a little black and white logo, but people would think that my boss is poor."

Cheng Xu glanced at Gao Qingyun and found that she was glaring at him with a fierce expression, as if to say, "I'm not a person who cares about my face and appearance."

Little did he know that the salesman who heard this was also silently grumbling in his heart. 'If your boss is so rich, why doesn't she buy a new car? She's only here to save money by buying a second-hand car.'

That was true, but he definitely did not dare to say it out loud. He could only smile awkwardly. "Then I'm really sorry."

"There's more,"

"There's more? Do you have any other questions?" The salesman blurted out. He could not help it. This person was too good at finding faults.

Cheng Xu did not mind and continued, "This car needs maintenance, I could tell from the sound of the test drive just now. This will be another fee we have to cover. Also, when I observed the chassis just now, I found that the inner side of the left front tire seems to have been cut. It would cost money to change the tire, right? "

The salesman was completely stupefied. He could even discover such a detail! 

At that moment, his face darkened, and he had no words to say in defense. Beside him, Gao Qingyun secretly gave Cheng Xu a thumbs-up.

The onlookers were dumbfounded. 'There was even such a thing?'

"Look at that. You said you know cars, but you can't even tell that this car has had an accident before."

"Honey, don't say that. He's obviously a professional. He can even find out the problem in such a hidden place."

Not far away, a young woman was pulling her husband's arm and looking over.

Seeing that he had basically achieved his goal, Cheng Xu did not bother beating around the bush.

"Let's do it this way. How about 500,000 yuan?"

"I'm sorry, sir, but we really can't take this price. We'd end up losing money."

"I've already given you the real price," said Cheng Xu, shaking his head with a smile. "I'm sure I've left you some profit margin."

He did not actually hack the price down as much as he did for Huang Junjie, mainly because this car was really quite good. It was quite boring for both sides to keep haggling over the price.

After some less intense bargaining, the price was finally set at 510,000 yuan, which was very close to the bottom line of the sale. If it went any lower, the salesperson would have worked for nothing.

After paying the money, the formalities were handed over to the dealer. Cheng Xu and Gao Qingyun chatted as they waited.

"How is it? My acting skills are not bad, right?" Gao Qingyun asked Cheng Xu expectantly.

"It's not bad, but I think I've seen the most exciting parts."

"You mean the fierce expression I gave you? I'm sorry, but that's not an act." Gao Qingyun immediately pouted.

Cheng Xu was confused. 'But I was!'

He took a deep breath and held back his desire to ridicule her. After all, she was his fairy godmother, and she was always right.

"Actually, I really don't care if the logo is colored or not. I didn't buy it for the sake of saving face. I just think it looks good and feels good when I drive it." Gao Qingyun also explained.

Cheng Xu put on a standard smile. "Ah, sure, sure. You're open-minded. You're definitely not the kind of person who cares about face and reputation."

Gao Qingyun looked at Cheng Xu's face doubtfully, but then nodded slightly.

The basic procedures were completed very quickly. The manager said that they could already drive the car back, and they would help in dealing with the follow-up matters.

"You, get in my old car and follow me."