Another Dinner Party

"It's like this," Cheng Xu continued. "Last time, Huang Junjie and I went to the used car market to buy a car. I saw that the car's condition was not bad."

At this point, Cheng Xu also smiled, seemingly a little embarrassed.

"And then?"

"I could tell that there were a lot of problems with the car that Huang Junjie wanted to buy. When I found out that the shop was selling shoddy cars, I scolded the salesman."

"Wow, I didn't know that you knew so much about cars. You're amazing."

Li Mengqing also seemed to be very curious about the story that had happened that day. Her eyes were fixed on Cheng Xu.

"Then, the person who lent me this car was also there. She approved of my knowledge of cars, so she hired me to appraise cars for her."

Li Mengqing felt much more at ease when she heard that they had such a relationship.

"What I didn't expect was that after she bought the car, all the garages in her house were full. So, she decided to let me drive this car for a while as part of the payment."

After hearing Cheng Xu's explanation, Li Mengqing's doubts were cleared and the two of them started to talk about something else.

Of course, she did not know that his boss was a beautiful woman in her twenties. Otherwise, this topic would not have ended well.

On such a rainy day, there were many cars on the road. It took Cheng Xu twenty minutes to get to the apartment, even though it was only a few kilometers away.

"Then I'll go home first. Be careful on the way back. Call me the next time you want to hang out."

In order to make her walk less, Cheng Xu sent Li Mengqing to her apartment before leaving.

By the time he got home, it was already quite late.

Cheng Xu was originally quite displeased with Chen Yuan's repeated targeting, but now he did not really care.

Cheng Xu was practicing writing, but his heart could not calm down. Li Mengqing's voice, the way she sang, and the smell of her body kept flashing through his mind.

"I can't practice anymore." Putting down the pen, Cheng Xu planned to go straight to bed.

After a morning run, Cheng Xu also returned the two watches that Xu Qing had sent for repairs. Even the original packaging was kept inside the box he had sent.

It could not be helped. The packaging was exquisite. Cheng Xu could not bear to throw it away after opening it, so he put it back.

"Cheng Xu!"

He was about to open the courtyard door with his key when he suddenly heard someone call him.

He turned around subconsciously and saw that it was Grandma Wang's daughter, whom he had met at the hospital not long ago.

"Morning, Aunt Li. What's the matter?" Cheng Xu asked curiously.

"You saved my mother the other day. My whole family wants to treat you to a meal to thank you, but you seem to have been busy the past two days, so we haven't found a chance."

"It's fine, it's fine. Grandma Wang has always been so good to me. It's only right that I do this." Cheng Xu wanted to politely refuse.

"It was not easy to meet you today, so I have to treat you to a meal. You should be free this afternoon, right?" Li Aiju asked tentatively.

Although he was not used to having a meal with a group of elders, there was no need for him to lie and reject them. Cheng Xu nodded.

"It's agreed then. We will meet at Green Bamboo Garden in the county. I wanted to cook personally, but I can't do it now. Oh, we'll drive over to pick you up later."

After hearing Li Aiju's words, Cheng Xu also readily agreed.

He could not avoid it. Since he had agreed, there was no need to be hesitant.

Grandma Wang had a son and a daughter. Li Aiju was the older sister, and the younger brother was called Li Yijun.

It was not easy to raise this pair of children, but they were quite promising.

Li Aiju worked in a public institution in the city. Although she was not very rich, she had a lot of free time and often came to visit her mother.

Li Yijun, on the other hand, had been smart and studious since he was a child. He got his PhD, and after graduation, he went to a big city to work and settle down. Now, he was an executive in a materials company.

Due to the long journey and busy work, he rarely came back, so Cheng Xu had only seen him a few times.

Li Yijun was the one who came to pick Cheng Xu up at noon. Li Aiju had already gone over to arrange the food.

"Cheng Xu, are you guys on summer break now? "

The two of them weren't actually that familiar with each other, so it was inevitable for them to have awkward conversations.

"Yes, Uncle Li. I'll be in my fourth year after the summer break."

Li Yijun nodded his head and continued, "You're in your fourth year. By the way, what is your major? "

"I study material science."

"What a coincidence. I studied material science back then too. You can come to work at our company after you graduate. We have many material science professionals."

Li Yijun was also very happy when he heard that Cheng Xu was studying material science. With his current rank, it was not a problem to recruit someone and give them some preferential treatment.

Although he had always disliked those who abused their power for personal gain, he was not completely inflexible.

He had been worried that he would not be able to help the child, but now that he heard that Cheng Xu was also a material science major, he was relieved.

In fact, the company he worked for was indeed gaining momentum in related fields. Even graduates from Cheng Xu's school had to go through a lot of screening if they wanted to enter.

Along the way, Li Yijun kept talking about the career prospects of this major, as well as the position and advantages of their company.

However, he felt that even though Cheng Xu was listening attentively, he did not seem to have any desire to join their company.

"Thank you, Uncle Li, but I still haven't thought about where I'm going to go after graduation. If I have such plans, I'll definitely ask you for advice."

Cheng Xu's words did not sound wrong, but Li Yijun could feel his polite rejection.

He sighed in his heart. Perhaps he had to let this child take some detours to understand some things.

He did not continue on this topic and instead asked Cheng Xu if he had a girlfriend.

"Ah, not yet."

Seeing that Cheng Xu, who had been speaking with conviction, was now stuttering, Li Yijun could not help but laugh and sigh. "It's good to be young!"

Cheng Xu was also glad that he did not continue this topic.

Time passed quickly as they chatted. They arrived at the restaurant before they could finish talking about relationships.

Green Bamboo Garden could be said to be the most high-end restaurant in Sanlin county, whether it was in terms of decor or price.

While other restaurants were wondering how to put more tables in the limited space they had, Green Bamboo Garden had a small bamboo forest, a zen garden, and flowing water running through the premises. The style was immediately heightened.

Under the waiter's guidance, they entered a private room. Cheng Xu realized that the owner had put in some effort here. The private room was exquisite.