Make It Big And Strong

Cheng Xu thought about it for a while. He felt that Wang Dahai had no obvious reason to trick him yet, so he agreed to his offer.

"Mr. Cheng, this is my sister's contact information. I'll tell Wang Qiulan about you later and she might call you."

"By the way, my brother-in-law is not an ordinary person either. Don't worry, Mr. Cheng. There will only be benefits if you work with them. If anything goes wrong, you can hold me responsible."

Cheng Xu laughed. "Mr. Wang, I definitely believe you. It's always the younger brother who dupes the older sister. Older sisters generally don't trick their younger brothers."

"Hahahaha, there's no such thing happening here. It's a win-win situation."

"Oh right! Mr. Wang, this is the gold for the delivery. Please check the amount."

Cheng Xu handed the gold he had refined to Wang Dahai. He took out another box.

"I have some gold here. I'm too lazy to go to the gold shop, so I think I'll just exchange it for some money with you."

"No problem. I'll still give you the price that I generally sell for at the gold shop."

In the long run, he might need the gold, but right now, Cheng Xu needed the money. Now that he could earn money, there was no need to live in such a tight way.

After Cheng Xu finally left, Wang Dahai sighed. "It is comfortable to talk business with smart people," he muttered. "Unlike those idiots who have lived for so long that they think being reckless and doing things to ruin their jobs is smart."

For a businessman like Wang Dahai, the most important thing was his sight and his mind. When he first saw the Mercedes-Benz C63 in Cheng Xu's courtyard, he had memorized the license plate number.

He did not believe that there were many coincidences in the world. He had asked around and found out that the car was related to Director Gao of Yixia City

Everyone called him Director Gao, not because it was his name, but because he was the chairman of many companies. He was an important figure in the entire Hu Province. He did not dare inquire more about it.

After Cheng Xu returned home, he cleaned the house and packed a few luggage in preparation for going back to the university. He then called Huang Junjie for a little help.

"Planning on not coming back?" joked Huang Junjie, looking at Cheng Xu's tidy room and his bulging luggage.

"Go to hell! I'm going to the university, not hitting the road."

"Then why are you being so meticulous? It's not like you won't be coming back. The university is close to home. You will come back on weekends, won't you?"

"I wanted to treat you to a meal before I go. You live in the Mogaoku district, right?"

Huang Junjie smiled in joy. "Mr. Cheng, you should have said so earlier! In the future, when you leave for university after the weekend, you can treat me to a meal, and I will see you off every time. It will be like our little tradition. What do you think?"

Cheng Xu punched him playfully. "Why don't you help me look after the scrapyard while I am off to study instead?"

"Forget it! Even if you leave the door unlocked, no one will dare enter this place. Besides, I know how many orders you get this week. It's not even enough to buy anything."

Although Huang Junjie's words were not pleasant, he thought about it carefully and felt that it made sense. A recycling center without proper channels and connections was worthless.

Huang Junjie looked at his friend who appeared a little dejected and felt guilty. "Don't be discouraged. The recycling center is not entirely without hope. If you solve just two problems, the income will be far better than working for others."

Cheng Xu was not really discouraged. He was only trying to prepare himself mentally for the inevitable. However, Huang Junjie's words piqued his interest.

"Great Huang, what two things? Enlighten me."

Huang Junjie sighed. "I am just saying. It's easier said than done." He opened a bottle of coke and took a gulp. "One of the problems is capital. Without capital, we cannot expand. Without expanding, our scale and our reach will be just too small."

Cheng Xu nodded.

"The second problem is the channel and connection," continued Huang Junjie. "Although this place is small, we still need to care about favors. There are things that can't compare to owing favors which have their own benefits."

"Great Huang, you have got some knowledge. Start explaining."

Huang Junjie was a little embarrassed by Cheng Xu's praise and attention. He waved his hand and said that his father had taught him all this.

"If you're a businessman you already know that there's no one who doesn't value profit. As for favors, it's just another kind of exchange with benefits," explained Huang Junjie. "If you want to open up a channel or a new connection, you either have to be able to offer a price, which is to say, more money, or you can do something that others can't and give them an offer they can't refuse. This will be your own unique brand of competition."

"Wow, Great Huang. Are you sure you're going to junior college and not doing an MBA?" teased Cheng Xu.

Theory was easy to learn on paper, but real knowledge had to be applied with practice.

'Where will the money come from? What do we do that other people can't, which will establish us as worthy competitors?' The two of them fell into a deep thought.

"Alright. Stop brooding. I am so hungry that I am going crazy!" said Huang Junjie.

Cheng Xu smiled. "Yes. There is no point in thinking so much about it. Let's go eat." He patted his friend's shoulder as they headed out.

"I'll let you experience the joy of a Mercedes-Benz AMG," said Cheng Xu.

"Yes! I'm not hungry anymore. Let's go!"

They had not felt it when they drove Huang Junjie's Audi last time. But today, they understood what it meant to turn heads when they passed by in this car.

The streamlined body of the car, coupled with the smooth engine, stole the hearts of many young men and women.

"Look! It's him again."

"An Audi last time, Mercedes-Benz this time! I don't even dare to imagine what it will be the next time."

"Why did he bring a man with him this time?"

"Don't think too much. This is how rich people are."

What Cheng Xu did not know was that people in the restaurant already knew him now. After eating and drinking their fill, the two talked about their future.

"When I have the funds and find my own brand of competition, we can partner up to make this scrapyard bigger and better."

"Then what's the point of working together? I will only be working under you. You will be the decision maker and investor in both the capital and technology. What's in it for me? But, if you are determined, I will support you with some funds."

"Then it's decided. Maybe it won't take that long."