Chapter 6: Elder Jin, There Is Great Terror Ahead

The originally calm sea, basking under the splendid sunshine, now displayed terrifying information.

"[Approximately one hundred miles ahead in this sea area, the weather will undergo a sudden change. Extreme Purple Heavenly Thunder will crash down two hundred breaths from now, covering an area of one hundred miles in radius.]

A sudden change in weather?

Extreme Purple Heavenly Thunder?

A radius of one hundred miles?

This luck!

Yang Ji suddenly flipped out, Extreme Purple Heavenly Thunder, was this even tolerable?

Even Golden Core True Persons would perish, who could withstand that?

He came to earn Spirit Stones, not to lose his life.

Seeing the ship was slowly advancing into the area covered by Extreme Purple Heavenly Thunder, Yang Ji rapidly approached Jin Dafu and said with a serious tone:

"Elder Jin, my eyelids are twitching quite severely, something horrific might happen soon. We should consider taking a detour."

"What kind of horror, don't scare yourself. Do you have thalassophobia or what? Look at the color of your face, it's all pale, but don't be afraid, I'm here," Jin Dafu said with a carefree smile, gesturing for him to sit down. "Come on, have a drink with me to calm your nerves!"

Seeing his indifferent attitude, Yang Ji couldn't help but frown and advised with a bit more insistence, "Elder Jin! There's really something horrific ahead. We should hurry and take a detour."

"Brother Yang, look at this sky, the clear blue sea, the refreshing breeze, where could there be any horror? Is a Demon King going to pop out ahead or what?" Jin Dafu laughed shaking his head.

"Elder Jin, whenever my eyelids twitch like this, something big and horrific happens. It's been incredibly accurate since I was a child. Believe me and let's take a detour," Yang Ji said, watching Jin Dafu sitting leisurely in his chair, leisurely sipping Spiritual Wine, really wanting to grab him by the neck.

"You have that kind of ability?" Jin Dafu glanced at him with a teasing tone.

As the ship entered the zone of Extreme Purple Heavenly Thunder, Yang Ji became more anxious and stared at the man before him, deeply furrowing his brows.

This Jin Dafu is truly impervious to reason!

He knew that the more desperate he was, the less likely people were to believe him.

Yang Ji took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, before he continued with a serious demeanor: "Elder Jin, do I look like I'm joking?"

"You..." Seeing Yang Ji's earnest face, Jin Dafu furrowed his brows for a moment, speechless.

"Stop hesitating, trust me this time. Quickly, turn the ship around, or we're all doomed!" Yang Ji urged.

"Hmph! Alarmist, do you still want your fifty Spirit Stones?" Jin Tianfu glared with his old eyes, getting upset once he heard those words. When going out to sea, the last thing wanted was these kinds of inauspicious words.

"Fine! If Elder Jin doesn't believe me, then I have no choice but to escape by jumping off the ship. Take care!" Everyone has their own fate, Yang Ji was aware that he couldn't persuade Jin Dafu and prepared to leap into the sky and leave the ship.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Seeing that Yang Ji seemed serious, Jin Dafu quickly grabbed him, scolding, "Are you crazy? The sea is vast, with no place to stand for thousands of miles. Do you want to exhaust yourself and feed the fish?"

He suddenly had an idea and drew out his words, "Ah! Are the Spirit Stones not enough for you? I'll add ten more. You're so young, don't think about giving up on life."

Jin Dafu, oh Jin Dafu, if it weren't for your heartfelt words, I really would've turned around and left.

Yang Ji turned back, fiercely grabbed his neck, and spoke through gritted teeth: "Elder Jin! Turn the ship around now. I don't want my Spirit Stones, they're yours."

"Friend, did you... sense something?" Chen De and a group of Cultivators had apparently heard their conversation and had now arrived on the deck.

Seeing Yang Ji with cold sweat on his temples and a deathly pale face without a trace of blood, Chen De looked at him with a mixture of shock and doubt, then turned to look ahead towards the sea.

"Senior, my eyelids are twitching terribly, something horrendous is definitely ahead."

Yang Ji said, "When I was five, my eyelid twitched and then it began to hail, with each piece as big as a table. When I was ten, my eyelid twitched and deep-sea whirlpools suddenly appeared, swallowing countless ships. At sixteen, when my eyelid twitched, a deathly hurricane blew up from the sea, connecting heaven and earth, sweeping across dozens of miles, and wherever it passed, the sea sank dozens of feet."

"Now my eyelids are twitching again, it feels just like before, even more intense."

Yang Ji said solemnly, his expression utterly serious.

"This..." Seeing the earnestness in Yang Ji's demeanor, even in the bright and sunny day, Chen De felt a chill over his body.

His expression flickered, and he exchanged a significant look with the other Cultivators who wore grave expressions before immediately saying: "Manager Jin, let's turn the ship around and take a detour."

They were often out on adventures and had an extremely sharp sense for risks, always preferring to err on the side of caution.

They shared Yang Ji's sentiments: they could miss out on earning Spirit Stones, but they had to preserve their lives. Even if this was all a false alarm, they had to treat it seriously because they couldn't afford the risk.

Besides, having faced life and death before, they could sense that Yang Ji wasn't lying, which made them take his warning even more seriously.

"But taking a detour will delay us quite a bit!" Jin Dafu frowned, hesitating and vacillating, and seeing that everyone looked solemn, he too felt uneasy. He couldn't help but stealthily glance towards the sea ahead, yet he saw nothing out of the ordinary.

"If Elder Jin is determined not to turn back, then I have no choice but to leave. I don't want the Spirit Stones either. But if you encounter danger later on, don't blame me for not warning you," Yang Ji said helplessly, shaking his head.

"Manager Jin!" The voices of Chen De and the others also lowered.

Such intangible feelings were difficult to articulate clearly. Chen De and the others preferred giving up Spirit Stones to avoid risk rather than face potential danger.

"Well then, let's turn the ship around!" Jin Dafu finally waved his hand resignedly, not forgetting to glare fiercely at Yang Ji, as the thought "[Kid, you've lost your Spirit Stones]" suddenly appeared on his forehead.

Yang Ji looked at the scene and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Heave-ho, heave-ho!" Following Jin Dafu's command, dozens of sailors at the Innate Realm immediately pulled on the sails, adjusting the direction of the large ship.

"Senior, let's hurry to the cabin and fully activate the Formation to get the ship out of this sea area as quickly as possible," Yang Ji called out.

"What? Fully activate the Formation? How many Spirit Stones will that cost?" Jin Dafu's face showed a pained expression.

"Must we really do this?" Chen De looked towards Yang Ji.

Seeing that the "Extreme Purple Heavenly Thunder would appear within thirty breaths," Yang Ji rushed into the cabin and shouted, "Seniors, quick, quick, quick!"

"Go, get inside!" Chen De was also a decisive person and immediately led everyone into the cabin to fully activate the Formation.

With the Formation at full power, the large ship instantly turned into a streak of light, breaking through the waves, whooshing and thunderously dashing forward several miles, reaching maximum speed.

Watching this, Jin Dafu's heart bled, for activating the Formation required Spirit Stones.

The ship, like a beam of light, made it clear just how quickly the Spirit Stones were being consumed at that moment.

But before he could feel the pain for too long,

he saw the sun rapidly disappear into the clouds at a speed visible to the naked eye; within merely five breaths, the sky above darkened swiftly.

Dark clouds gradually enveloped the Sky Firmament.

What was originally a bright sunny day instantly turned to night.

The sound of the waves whooshing became louder, and the wind and waves surged suddenly.

The large ship began to rock violently.

"What, what's happening?" Jin Dafu stood on the deck, looking up at the sky, his eyes filled with shock.



A Shocking Thunder sounded in the sky, and the Cultivators inside the cabin were momentarily stunned. Chen De whispered, "It's not going to be a downpour, is it?" He pulled back the curtain, looked out the window, and his face quickly darkened.

"Senior, what's wrong?" Seeing his expression, everyone looked outside through the windows.

They discovered that the sky had darkened.

Just as everyone was peering out,

another Shocking Thunder sounded from within the dark clouds.


And then another.


Outside, the clouds were as dark as ink, with thunder rolling ominously.


Lightning rampaged with the thick clouds, and the ocean merged with the darkness.

On the eve of the storm, it was eerily terrifying and came so ferociously that in the blink of an eye, the weather drastically changed.

The ocean surface erupted with fierce winds, lightning twisted like snakes, clouds churned with moisture, and the surface of the sea bubbled with droplets.

On the gloomy ocean, a flat boat bobbed with the waves, and with a clap of thunder, a downpour immediately followed.

Lightning bridged heaven and earth, tracing a fearsome arc, and at that moment, it was as if it were the end of days.

Crack, crack, crack, crack, crack!

The raindrops, as large as fists, hit the deck, making countless heavy thudding sounds.


A bolt of lightning as thick as a bucket slashed across the sky, striking in front of the sailboat, looking terrifying.

The sailboat tossed and turned, seemingly on the verge of capsizing at any moment.

In this vast ocean, the sudden change in weather made everything seem insignificant, and a sense of awe and terror spontaneously arose.

"This storm is coming too fast, quickly, fully activate the Formation to accelerate!" Chen De immediately shouted.

It's more than just a storm, it's damn "Extreme Purple Heavenly Thunder" coming, Yang Ji looked at the sky with an especially grave expression.

"Hurry, everyone get to work, don't be afraid to waste my Spirit Stones, open the protective Formation as well," Jin Dafu suddenly rushed in and called out.

Everyone was surprised; Jin Dafu had been distressed about the Spirit Stones before, but now he had become so generous, even telling them to open the protective Formation as well.

Amidst the confusion, everyone turned their gaze to the deck behind him.