Chapter 27 Earth Spirit Fire, Flame Fruit

Ten Flame Snake Kings, as a Foundation Establishment cultivator, Chen De could hold off five.

Liu Yongqing, Tan Guanghong, Fang Sheng, and the other five at the Tenth Layer of Qi Refining could block another five.

But the remaining swarm of snakes was still enough to claim his, Yang Ji's, life.

Without a moment's hesitation, Yang Ji decisively turned his head and retreated.

But just as he turned, he saw six afterimages flash by extremely fast before his eyes.

When Yang Ji took a closer look, wasn't it Chen De and his group who else could it be?

"These guys, not even putting up a bit of resistance to buy me time to escape and instead, escaping even faster than me." Yang Ji was truly dumbfounded, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Such speed in fleeing was truly beyond his reach, truly worthy of coming from a rogue cultivator background.