Chapter 34: The Demon Essence Pill is Ready, The Sea of Demonic Stench

"Since we've come to an agreement, these Demon Companion Herbs..." Yang Ji gave Jin Suanpan a smile.

"Brother Dao, here you go!" Jin Suanpan curled his lips but still handed over three stems of Demon Companion Herb, plus a recipe for the Temptating Demon Pill, "Since it's a thirty-seventy split, I won't buy the Spiritual Medicine needed to concoct the Temptating Demon Pill. You'll have to refine it and give it to me."

"Sure!" Yang Ji readily agreed and took the Demon Companion Herb and pill recipe.

The Demon Companion Herb didn't look much different from other aquatic plants, but instead of green, it was a transparent shade of water blue. The older it was, the richer the blue became, and the more intense the blue radiance it emitted from its surface.