Chapter 40 Fire Element Sword Intent One

Mang Biao did not force his way, which indeed settled Yang Ji's mind a bit.

By delaying the treatment, he could gain quite a bit of initiative, and might even obtain some benefits.

The welcome banquet lasted until sunrise, and only then did everyone reluctantly disperse, not forgetting to laugh and say farewell to Yang Ji as they left, trying to become familiar faces and leave a good impression.

Yang Ji also responded with a smile, even though his body was in Cao's camp, his heart was with Han, he would not show it, he had to save face.

After the crowd had left, Mang Biao mentioned arranging accommodations for Yang Ji and led him to a quiet room behind the main hall.

Opening the door and windows, one could see the sea, far from the hustle and bustle of the front court, quiet and comfortable, which was to Yang Ji's liking.