Crisis Descends

Meng Lei remembered it clearly after he had finished naming the submarine.

The list of notifications given by the System was clear.

The submarine's own sonar detection system could scan for potential anomalies in the vicinity. These anomalies were the key to gathering supplies.

Among them, there could be ordinary ores, plant resources, or sunken ships. There was also a chance that there was treasure buried.

Similarly, it could also be a sleeping sea monster.

All is unknown!

Therefore, Meng Lei had lamented about this setting at first. He felt that it was like opening a mystery box.

However, when he thought about how he could see the System notification with his game cheat, Meng Lei's heart could not help but beat wildly!

If his game cheat could even provide the hints for these anomalies, there was no doubt that in this deep-sea survival game, his advantage would be far ahead of everyone else!

Just think about it, when the others were still exploring carefully in the dark and endless sea, afraid that some kind of sea monster was hiding in an anomaly, it would be like he had opened up the full map, allowing him to plunder without restraint!

Not only would his resource collection speed be countless times faster than others, at the same time, the probability of him encountering danger would also be greatly reduced!

With this comparison, the difference was obvious.

Meng Lei took a deep breath and suppressed the trembling in his heart.

To test his theory, he hurried back to the submarine's cockpit. To the right of the central console, he found the submarine's sonar detection system.

It was a precision set of instruments independent of the central console, occupying only a very small area of the cockpit.

He opened it gently and black information appeared.

[Sonar Detection System (Basic), Current Maximum Detection Range: 500 meters]

(The sonar system is the eyes and ears of the submarine in the endless dark of the deep sea. It is the basic tool that allows you to gain a broad understanding of the outside world. An early upgrade of the sonar system can help you collect supplies more conveniently and avoid potential dangers in the dark in advance!)

"Five hundred meters of detection range is simply a drop in the ocean!"

"But it should be enough for now."

Meng Lei lamented again.

Then, decisively, he activated the sonar system.

The next moment, the image on the sonar display changed.

A huge three-dimensional map was projected in front of him.

In it, the Bottomless Valley was in the middle.

Visible sound waves radiated out in a perfect circle with the Bottomless Valley as the center.

Through the feedback, a virtual topographic map of the sea in the vicinity appeared on the screen.

Through the simulated map on the screen, it could be roughly determined that the Bottomless Valley was currently in a region near the bottom of the sea.

About a hundred meters below was the flat and vast seabed that was filled with various huge crevices.

The front, back, left, and right sides were completely an infinite vacuum. It was impossible to explore to the end. The sonar radar could not receive any feedback signals on terrain obstacles.

With the constant sonar feedback signal, six faint red dots gradually appeared on the map.

"This must be the so-called anomaly?"

Meng Lei pondered.

"Looks like I'm in luck. There are six anomalies near the birth point. I wonder what these anomalies are hiding…"

With this in mind, Meng Lei immediately focused his attention on one of the red dots.

The next moment, something magical happened.

Below the red anomaly, distorted faint golden words appeared out of thin air and gradually condensed into a text message.

(360 meters away, there's a stretch of barren iron ore here. Although there aren't many of them, it would be quite a fortune for you in the exploration period!)


The moment he saw this line of faint golden text, Meng Lei instantly held his breath, and his heart could not help but beat crazily!

As he had expected, the faint golden System notifications not only allowed him to see the details of the items and equipment around him, but also provided the corresponding notifications for the anomalies detected by the sonar system!

Suppressing the excitement and passion in his heart, he shifted his gaze slightly and looked at the other anomalies again.

(420 meters away, there is a stretch of fluorescent grass here. If you look carefully, you might be able to find the old nest of the deep sea swimming crab. Bring your harpoon and diving knife. Your first dinner is settled.)

(498 meters away, there is a stretch of copper ore here. Don't be bothered about the number. By accumulating little by little, you'll get more. One day, you will build the monument that belongs to you!)

(430 meters away, there is a young deep sea worm foraging. Don't worry, go up and do it boldly. Its nearly five-meter-long intestines will be your forever home!)

… .

As Meng Lei's gaze moved, different System notifications would appear below each red anomaly.

The faint golden System notification seemed to have its own thoughts.

It was as if there was an invisible person outside the view adding various notes to Meng Lei according to his perspective.

That feeling was very strange. Coupled with the dark environment in the submarine, there was also a hint of horror!

However, at this moment, Meng Lei was not in the mood to care so much.

There was no doubt that the faint golden System notification, which completely contradicted the gameplay, was undoubtedly his game cheat.

And this game cheat, which had seemed a little useless just now, was simply too freaky!


Meng Lei let out a long sigh. He looked out of the window at the endless darkness, and a smile involuntarily appeared on his face.

With this game cheat, as long as he did not court death, this dangerous journey to survive on an alien planet would probably not be a threat to him anymore.

However, Meng Lei, who had always been cautious, quickly restrained the joy of obtaining the System and adjusted his mentality.

He knew very well that in this vast and boundless Abyss of the Alien Planet, there might be some hidden threats that the System could not see.

Therefore, under no circumstances could he let his guard down.

Sitting in the leather seat in the cockpit, Meng Lei narrowed his eyes and gathered the series of information he had gathered so far in his mind.

Then, he started to plan his next exploration plan.

The contents of the game and the structure of the submarine were almost done. It was time to set off.

However, at this moment, a slight tremor suddenly came from the central control screen. The list of regional communication channels on the display screen exploded with a blinding red light.

Instantly, the entire cockpit was enveloped by the scarlet light. The atmosphere was extremely tense and strange.

"Damn, what's going on?"

Meng Lei's heart skipped a beat. He did not understand what was going on. He hurriedly opened the communication channel to check what had happened.

The moment he opened the communication channel, he immediately saw that the number of activities in the area had decreased from 100,000/100,000 to 99,456/100,000!

There was no need to think deeply to know that the number deducted definitely represented the players who had died!

"What happened? In just a short while, hundreds of people have been eliminated?!"

Meng Lei was shocked. He inexplicably felt a strong sense of danger!

He quickly checked the contents of the chat in the channel, hoping to obtain something useful.

When he took a look, he discovered that a large number of cries for help had actually sounded in the communication channel, which had all kinds of content in the chat just now!

[Boogie Island: Government! Government! Come and save me! Something seems to be roaring outside my submarine. It's so loud and terrifying!]

[Vanguard: Damn, what's going on? My submarine seemed to have been hit by something just now. The decompression system has started to alarm!]

[Deep Blue: Me too. Something is coming from the sea. They seem to be scratching the hull of my submarine outside. Help!]

[Giant: Sea monster! There's a sea monster! It's so big. It has just swum past me. Just one tentacle is bigger than my submarine. I couldn't see its full appearance at all. It almost overturned me and my boat!]

[Shadow: Damn! There are really sea monsters! There are too many, there is a great number of them. There are red dots everywhere on the sonar images. They are approaching me. What the hell are these things! Mommy, save me!]

[Fish Catcher: Comrades, I'm leaving first. My submarine's hull has been ripped by a monster. The water level in the living quarters has risen to 60%. The seawater will soon fill the cockpit! Everyone, let's… gulp, gulp, gulp…]

[Black Pearl: Everyone, calm down. The protection period for novices should have lapsed. The game has used this type of threat mechanism to force us to set sail as soon as possible! Everyone, don't stay at the birth point anymore. Let's move quickly!]

… .

Looking at the calls for help in the communication channel, Meng Lei gradually frowned.

The joy of obtaining the game cheat was diluted, and his mood slowly became heavy.

Although he had not encountered any so-called sea monsters in the area he was in, it was obvious that this phenomenon was not an exception!

From this, it could be seen that there did not seem to be any novice protection mechanism in this deep-sea survival game!

It had only been a few minutes since the game started, and most people had not even figured out the structure of the submarine and how to operate it, but the crisis had already begun quietly without any warning.

Many people had been attacked by unknown creatures at this stage. The difficulty of survival was simply crazy!

After a moment of silence, Meng Lei did not dare to delay anymore.

Perhaps as the Black Pearl had determined, the short period of novice protection had passed, and the threat mechanism had begun to take effect.

Although his surroundings were calm now, a fatal crisis might envelop him at any moment.

When the time came, even if he had the System, he would not be able to avoid dying in the stomach of a fish!

After all, navigating such an exploration submarine without a single weapon on board, if he really encountered a sea monster, he would not have any ability to resist.

Meng Lei immediately decided to set sail immediately and leave the area of the birth point first!