The Divine Tool for Exploration

From the white storage box, Meng Lei opened a small gravity ball.

The milky-white gravity ball did not look big externally. It was about the size of a football.

The beautiful lines and exquisite complex patterns gave it a techno-look.

However, it was not known if it had been subjected to the pressure in the deep water for a long time or if it had been hit by an external force, the upper half of the ball was filled with cracks and had some damage.

Meng Lei focused his attention on the gravity ball.

In addition to the System notifications of the game cheat, the basic information on the gravity ball also appeared immediately in front of him.

[Damaged gravity ball: It can be used to create a small gravity trap. It can absorb small targets that are wandering around. Currently, it is damaged. It can be repaired using the manufacturing station.]

"This thing is indeed good stuff. With it, at least the food problem can be perfectly resolved."

"As long as I can find an area of the sea with a large number of fish and throw it into the sea, the gains will be beyond imagination!"

Meng Lei's heart skipped a beat, and the excitement in his eyes flickered crazily.

He had not expected to have such a huge gain when he was preparing to leave the sea near the birth point.

To players in the initial stages of exploration, it would not be an exaggeration to call this thing a divine tool!

The key was that no matter what, food in a game of survival was always hard currency.

With the gravity ball, Meng Lei's speed in catching fish would far surpass his basic needs.

When the time came, he could exchange the excess food for more valuable resources.

However, Meng Lei, who had always been calm and collected, was not blinded by joy.

He knew very well that it would not be easy to restore something like the gravity ball, which was a divine exploration tool, otherwise, it would upset the overall balance of the game.

Currently, his first goal was to make a freshwater extractor.

With the lack of food, humans could at least last a few days.

However, if there was no fresh water, it would be over in less than four days. One might even lose the ability to go into water in two days.

If the materials needed to restore the gravity ball conflicted with the freshwater extractor, then, he would definitely prioritize the freshwater extractor and push back the restoration of the gravity ball.

Immediately, Meng Lei carried the gravity ball, which was the size of a football, and walked to the manufacturing station. Then, he placed the gravity ball on it.

The interface of the manufacturing station immediately changed.

[Damaged gravity ball. Repair Requirements: Iron 3/5; Aluminum 0/5; Plastic 0/3; Titanium 0/3; Copper 0/3]

Looking at the notifications that had appeared in front of him, Meng Lei frowned slightly.

Sure enough, the resources required to restore a small gravity ball were almost equivalent to upgrading the submarine once over.

There were a total of five different materials, and no less than three units of each material was required.

If it were an ordinary player, it would definitely take a lot of effort to restore this gravity ball under normal circumstances.

"It looks like this gravity ball will have to be put aside for a while. I'll build the freshwater extractor first."

"I've already collected a third of the five units of copper and iron."

"If I go into the water today a few more times, I'll definitely be able to build a freshwater extractor. I might even be able to gather the resources needed to restore the gravity ball."

"Being able to see the System notifications has saved me a lot of time. I'll just have to follow strictly!"

"However, the resources in the sea near the birth point are indeed too poor."

"I have to set off as soon as possible and dive deeper into the sea."

Meng Lei pondered for a moment and did not delay anymore. He picked up the gravity ball and placed it in the submarine's storage chest.

Then, he planned to pilot the submarine and advance deeper into the sea, following the route planned by the automatic navigation in accordance with the clues provided by Central Province.

When he walked past the empty white storage box on the ground, Meng Lei inadvertently looked down.

The faint golden System notifications suddenly appeared before him again.

(An empty small storage box is not of much value. It can be treated as a waste. Decompose it into two units of iron. No matter how small something is, it still has value. By accumulating little by little, one will get more!)

"Hmm? Can this thing even be decomposed?"

Meng Lei was stunned at first, and then his face lit up.

He had not expected these abandoned items could still be recycled and turned into treasures.

"The System's setting is quite humane. If abandoned items could be decomposed, it would subtly reduce the risk for many people."

With a light step, he placed the storage box on the manufacturing station. The option to decompose immediately popped up in the System interface.

He confirmed it without hesitation.

[System notification: Received Iron*2]

A white light flashed, and the storage box on the manufacturing station disappeared.

In its place were two units of iron.

With a smile, he placed the iron into the submarine's storage chest. As such, he had already gathered the materials needed to make the freshwater extractor. The amount of iron had completely met the requirements.

Next, he only needed to mine five more parts of copper ore, and the problem of fresh water would be resolved.

With a happy mood, Meng Lei came to the submarine's cockpit.

He opened the automatic navigation system on the central control screen and a series of data appeared.

[Bottomless Valley: Current coordinates 9174131, -2177.6, 7785362]

[Distance from the gathering place of the first outpost: 1,000 kilometers]

[Current maximum automated traveling speed: 15 kilometers per hour]

[Current maximum automated diving speed: 5 kilometers per hour]

Looking at the data displayed on the central control screen, Meng Lei touched his chin thoughtfully.

Of the three strings of data displayed, the first and the last coordinates should be the longitude and latitude.

The negative value in the middle should represent the depth of the sea where the submarine was.

The current location of Bottomless Valley should be more than 2,100 meters below sea level.

Meng Lei vaguely remembered that Divine Dragon had first put forward the concept of coordinates.

From data analysis of the coordinates, the location of Divine Dragon at that time did not seem to be too far from Bottomless Valley.

However, after such a long time, he did not know where the other party had gone.

Looking down, Meng Lei frowned slightly.

From the seven days given by the System, the location of the gathering place of the outpost was definitely not close.

However, Meng Lei had not expected it to be a thousand kilometers away!

With the current maximum speed of Bottomless Valley, even if it were to travel 24 hours continuously, it would take almost three days to arrive.

Moreover, he would have to continue to collect all kinds of resources along the way to ensure his survival and also to upgrade the submarine till it was strong enough.

Moreover, there was a certain risk with auto-navigation. Most of the time, one had to steer manually to navigate.

From the looks of it, seven days was definitely not long!

Meng Lei took a deep breath and felt an inexplicable sense of urgency.

"I can't continue to linger near the birth point. I have to dive deeper as soon as possible!"