Aberrant Horned Snake

In the dark cockpit of the submarine.

The red and yellow warning lights flashed crazily. The constantly changing shadow seemed to want to cut through space, giving one an inexplicable sense of urgency.

At the same time, the ear-piercing alarm was also very sharp, indicating that danger was approaching.

On the other side, on the three-dimensional topographic map projected by the sonar display, a red light spot representing an anomaly suddenly approached Bottomless Valley at a relatively fast speed without any warning.

The speed of its actions was simply astonishing!

In the blink of an eye, it had crossed dozens of meters and was getting closer and closer to Bottomless Valley.

This sudden scene caused Meng Lei to be slightly stunned, and his heart was suddenly shocked!

From the start of the game until now, this was the first time he had encountered such a thing after sailing for so long.

All along, the position of the anomaly had always been fixed. There had never been a phenomenon of it moving on its own.

As a result, Meng Lei had always believed that as long as he did not take the initiative to provoke a sea monster, he would not be attacked by it.

However, it was obvious that his previous thoughts were completely wrong.

With deep doubts, Meng Lei locked his gaze on the moving anomaly point.

At this moment, the game cheat was quite powerful and gave a prompt in time.

(Due to your reckless hunting behavior, you have angered the aberrant horned snake in this area. The aberrant horned snake lurking in the Snake Mushroom Tree has already regarded you as an intruder and attacked you!)

(Don't worry. You just need to press the button gently. The violent firepower of the electromagnetic cannon will let the mutated horned snake clearly know who the true overlord of this sea area is!)


After reading the introduction given by the System, Meng Lei could not help but curse.

"I've only caught more than 60 fish. Is this considered reckless hunting?! Damn strange snakes, aren't they too damn stingy?!"

There were at least thousands of fish swimming nearby.

Compared to the huge school of fish, the sixty fish were like a drop in the ocean.

Meng Lei really did not expect that his actions, which were like picking up sesame seeds in a watermelon field, would be treated as an intrusion.

This was too damn unreasonable!

"Damn it, since you're rushing to your death, I'll use you as a sacrifice to test the power of the electromagnetic cannon!"

With a gun in his hand, he naturally had confidence.

Meng Lei's eyes narrowed as a savage expression appeared on his face.

At that moment, he roughly identified the location of the aberrant horned snake and turned the searchlight over.

Then, he immediately placed his eye on the periscope.

By constantly moving the grips with both hands and adjusting the parameters, the black muzzle moved.

The thick and straight cannon barrel slowly aimed in the direction of the sea monster.

What followed was a suffocating wait.

The dark blue seawater hid everything unknown.

In the depths of the darkness that the submarine's searchlights could not dispel, the faint purple fluorescent light became the only background in the entire world. Nothing could be seen clearly.

Meng Lei held his breath and concentrated.

He kept glancing at the three-dimensional map presented by the sonar detection system.

As the eye-piercing scarlet color on the map approached, he became even more nervous.

It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous when he was facing a real alien planet sea monster for the first time.

Fortunately, he lived alone all year round, so he never lacked the courage to face the unknown and danger.

After taking a few deep breaths, he forced himself to calm down, and his gaze became even more determined.

At a certain moment.

When the red anomaly on the three-dimensional topographic map was within a hundred meters of the submarine.

In the periscope's field of vision, he suddenly captured a blurry huge shadow flashing past the light purple background in the depths of the darkness.


Meng Lei held his breath and subconsciously tightened his grip.

At the same time, his two thumbs were also tightly positioned on the two red launch buttons.

With just a thought, he would press down ruthlessly without hesitation!

Soon, a blurry shadow appeared.

The current around the submarine also began to become chaotic.

It was as if something huge was churning crazily in the darkness.

The flocculent organic matter that was all around also became restless at this moment. With Bottomless Valley as the center, it swept wantonly like a snowstorm.

Not long after, the blurry shadow in the distance approached.

Under the illumination of the submarine's searchlights, the mysterious alien sea monster finally revealed itself.

The moment his gaze swept over that thing, Meng Lei's breathing froze and he felt his scalp go numb!

It was a terrifying monster that was seven to eight meters long!

Its snake-like body was covered in scales of various sizes.

Moreover, the way it grew was irregular, and it bulged out hideously.

Most parts of its body were extremely twisted, like deformed claws rooted in flesh and blood.

Its main body was not smooth like ordinary snake creatures.

Many of the joints were twisted and deformed, and a large number of dark gray bone spikes grew. They presented an extremely strange posture, making one's hair stand on end.

What made Meng Lei's heart tremble the most was the head of this strange snake.

The snake head, which was half the size of the submarine's cockpit, was extremely visually impactful!

The dense abscesses on it wriggled back and forth along the chaotic patterns between the scales.

A hideous horn was inserted diagonally into the eye socket where there should have been an eye. It pierced through the entire head and grew out from the lower jaw.

It was as if it had been forcefully implanted and combined by some force, or it was like a grafting between different organisms. It looked extremely terrifying!

"Damn! What is this damn thing?!"

Meng Lei looked at the deformed mutated monster in the darkness. It opened its bloody mouth full of squirming tentacles and appeared from the darkness. Then, it charged towards the submarine crazily.

He immediately gasped, his hands trembling uncontrollably.

The incomparably terrifying visual impact kept stimulating his nerves.

He never thought that the so-called alien planet sea monster would look like this. It was even more terrifying than the devil that crawled out of hell in horror movies!

As a result, he forgot to open fire the moment they met.

When the strange snake was within 40 meters of the submarine, the strong current caused the submarine to tremble slightly.

Meng Lei suddenly woke up. He gritted his teeth and hurriedly pressed the launch buttons in his hand.

The next moment, the entire submarine trembled.

Then, a dazzling tongue of fire instantly flashed in the dark sea.

The two thick cannon muzzles of the electromagnetic cannon began to roar almost crazily!

In an instant, the entire sea area boiled!