

Dead silence.

At this moment, Meng Lei felt the blood in his entire body freeze, and even his heartbeat stopped for a moment.

He would never have thought of it.

Even the deepest nightmares could not touch the immense terror, but it had actually appeared in front of his eyes in such a way.

The scene before him made his scalp tingle.

His brain went blank and he could not react in time.

It was just too terrifying!

The originally transparent glass porthole was like a wall of air. To the naked eye, there was no barrier.

That terrifying and bizarre face seemed to be directly pressed against the tip of Meng Lei's nose and staring at him.

With the dim light in the cockpit, Meng Lei could even clearly see the ghastly white bones revealed by the rotting flesh.

There were also two huge eyeballs that were swollen and white from the sea water!

The incomparably strong visual impact instantly transformed into an invisible force that crazily stimulated Meng Lei's nerves.

Fortunately, his will was relatively firm!

If it was someone else with weaker nerves, he would probably go crazy on the spot!

"Damn! What the hell is this?!"

After a short silence, his brain started working again.

Meng Lei immediately let out a yell. Cold sweat instantly soaked through his back.

He scrambled towards the pilot seat in front of him, his legs trembling weakly as he tried his best to get away from the porthole.

However, there was only so much space in the narrow cockpit. There was nowhere to hide.

Fortunately, the worst-case scenario did not happen.

The strange corpse quietly stuck to the porthole and did not do anything else.

It seemed that the submarine's forward propulsion caused him to be squeezed by the current and he was fixed in that position for a moment.

Squatting behind the control console, Meng Lei quietly peeked out and carefully looked around for a moment.

After confirming that there was no danger, he finally heaved a long sigh of relief.

Even now, his heart was pounding.

That moment of intimate contact had really left an indelible shadow in his heart. He would probably never be able to forget it for the rest of his life.

Forcing himself to be brave, he slowly approached the porthole again.

This time, he could finally see the full picture of the thing outside the submarine.

It was indeed a corpse in a diving suit.

Large areas of the dark brown diving suit had already been damaged. It was unknown if it was caused by external forces or by seawater erosion.

Because it had been too long, he could not tell the era at all.

However, from the simple structure and style, it seemed to have many similarities to the ordinary diving suit that came with Bottomless Valley.

From preliminary judgment, it should be a standard diving suit that is similar in model.

The corpse inside was even more decayed and deformed.

Most of the flesh on its face seemed to have been gnawed away by something, and there were obvious tearing marks.

Its skin was also a strange dark green color, giving off a rather strange feeling.

Meng Lei frowned deeply, feeling incredulous!

"What is this thing? Where did it float from?!"

"Being completely exposed to the sea pressure of more than 2,000 meters deep, a normal person would have been crushed to death immediately. Even bones would not exist. How could a complete corpse be preserved?!"

"Moreover, with the density, a human body can't hover in this depth of the sea. It should have floated up like a balloon long ago…"

"What's going on!?"

Even though he did not have enough knowledge in the relevant fields,

Meng Lei still had the most basic common sense.

The state of the corpse in front of him did not conform to the laws of physics at all.

Logically speaking, it was impossible.

However, it just so happened bizarrely. It was simply unbelievable!

Meng Lei frowned and stared at the corpse solemnly, trying to find the answer through his game cheat.

However, the faint golden System notification seemed to have disappeared and did not appear.

Meng Lei had a premonition that something was wrong.

In the past, no matter when, even if it was an ordinary fish, the System would give a corresponding interpretation.

The game cheat actually did not react to this strange deep-sea zombie.

This was clearly abnormal!

After pondering for a moment, Meng Lei hurriedly turned to look at the other facilities in the cockpit.

A few seconds later, his face turned pale and cold sweat flowed down his face.

Without exception, the game cheat that should have appeared did not appear.

Even the basic System notifications had completely disappeared.

At this moment, the concept of the game seemed to have been erased. Meng Lei seemed to be in reality, and everything around him returned to normal.

He turned to look out of the porthole again, and his face turned even greener.

At some point, Bottomless Valley had left the dead sea region.

His current position seemed to be in the void. Everything was hazy, and he could not see anything other than darkness.

Even the map displayed by the sonar detection system was empty.

No matter where he went, he could not find the end. There was no signal feedback from any obstacles.

Meng Lei could not help but feel a chill from the bottom of his heart when he felt the boundless emptiness!


"Something's wrong! This is too strange. What happened while I was asleep?!"

"What the hell is going on!?"

An extreme sense of horror enveloped his heart. Meng Lei was completely stunned.

At this moment, the familiar sound could be intermittently heard again.

Meng Lei vaguely remembered that he had been woken up by this sound.

Moreover, this time, the sound was even more urgent and dense than before!

It was as if there were countless things lying around the submarine, scratching the submarine's hull crazily with their fingertips.

A rather bad feeling rose from the bottom of his heart.

Meng Lei looked away from the sonar map. His neck twisted stiffly as he slowly looked out the window.

With one look, his heart trembled!

The strange corpse stuck to the porthole had changed at some point.

The rotten and terrifying face twisted like melted fat.

The corner of its mouth opened at an unbelievable angle, revealing a mouthful of tiny fangs.

A sharp beak-shaped object protruded from the depths of its throat. It was wrapped in a ring of terrifying fangs and kept hitting the submarine's porthole.

Its two arms that had been hidden in its diving suit were also exposed at this moment.

Tiny tentacles extended from the diving suit.

Under the protection of some kind of sharp shell, they twisted and flapped wildly against the glass.

Meng Lei's mind buzzed and his entire body went numb.

He shouted in his heart, "Damn!"

Then, he subconsciously pressed the emergency dive button on the central console, wanting to immediately pull away from the monster.


At this moment, the submarine seemed to have completely lost its power and did not move at all.

At the same time, more monsters that looked exactly like the corpse in the diving suit gathered crazily from the darkness from all directions. There were simply countless of them!

The densely packed figures almost instantly covered the porthole!

Countless cracks of various sizes crisscrossed the entire glass like spider webs in an extremely short period of time.

The ear-piercing scratching sound and the heart-palpitating sound of shattering, like a death knell, wildly intertwined together, constantly transmitted into Meng Lei's eardrums.

In just a breath's time, the fragile porthole was overwhelmed.


The lights in the cockpit flashed.

In the next moment.

The huge pressure instantly shattered the window into countless sharp fragments!

The seawater, along with the glass shards and the strange corpses, poured into the cockpit like a huge wave!

Meng Lei's entire body trembled violently. In a moment of desperation, he instinctively wanted to raise his arm to block.

Suddenly, he felt a burning pain, and his mind went blank.

Everything in front of him suddenly shattered and retreated like a tide. The entire world became chaotic.

After an unknown period of time, the dim light tore through the darkness of consciousness.

He opened his eyes in a daze and felt a sharp pain in his head!

Suddenly, he realized something and jumped up from the air mattress. His head immediately hit the edge of the porthole.

He cried out in pain and finally woke up completely.

He sat up straight and panted heavily.

Meng Lei looked around. Everything just now had disappeared.

"Did I … have a nightmare?"