Encounter with the Shipwreck

It was unknown when it started.

In this endless darkness where no light could be seen, the seawater that was originally as transparent as air inexplicably changed color.

It was probably when Meng Lei was focused on browsing the chat channel, that Bottomless Valley quietly carried him into another mysterious sea.

Although the structure of the seabed in this area had not changed much from before, it was still a vast plain.

However, the color of the seawater was very different here.

The pale submarine searchlight shot out. It was no longer the eternal darkness.

Sometimes, two different colors of dark blue and dark green undercurrents could be seen flowing alternately.

At times, they were indistinguishable, interweaving and fusing together.

Occasionally, they would be distinct, like two different colored streams that were incompatible with each other. They would fight to break away from each other and run in different directions.

This strange scene, described in words, was far less magnificent than seeing it with one's own eyes.

Meng Lei did not know how this phenomenon was formed. He only felt that it was extremely strange and could not help but take a few more glances.

However, he only took a few glances.

Most of his attention was now completely focused on the anomaly on the sonar display that he had never seen before.

He was even stunned in the pilot seat.

It was because the anomaly was too unusual. It was very different from ordinary anomalies!

From the start of the game until now, Meng Lei had covered more than a hundred kilometers.

There were at least hundreds of anomalies along the way.

Including the aberrant horned snake, all kinds of anomalies were the same. They were all displayed in red spots of the same size.

However, the anomaly detected by the sonar system was more than three times larger than the other anomalies!

Moreover, there was a faint orange halo on the outer layer of the red light spot.

It was obvious that this thing was definitely not as simple as an ordinary resource point!

At least it had more layers of skin than the other anomalies!

"It's only been a day, and the new content is starting to be unlocked. Interesting…"

Meng Lei stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Then, he focused his attention and looked at the unusual point.

Not long after, familiar faint golden words crawled into his eyes like earthworms and appeared in the void.

(1,962 meters away, in the depths of the vast reef beach, there was the sunken wreckage of a submarine. No one knew the cause of the shipwreck. If you searched carefully, you might be able to find the answer you wanted from the navigation log in the cockpit!)

(If you are lucky, you might be able to obtain a good harvest this time, but you might also return empty-handed. Who knows?)

The short text prompt was concise and explained everything to Meng Lei.

He finally knew that this anomaly was different because it was actually a submarine wreckage!

Meng Lei did not expect to encounter a shipwreck in the early stages of the game.

Originally, he thought that settings like shipwrecks and alien planet ruins would have to wait until he arrived at the first outpost.

Unexpectedly, only a day had passed, and he was only two hundred kilometers away from the birth point.

It could be said that he had just left the novice village and immediately encountered the first dungeon.

It was unknown if the System did it on purpose, but every player might encounter it.

His luck was really that good.

But no matter what, since he was lucky enough to encounter it, there was naturally no reason to let it go so easily. At the very least, he had to go forward and plunder it.

At that moment, Meng Lei prepared to drive at full speed to get closer and investigate first.

However, at this moment, a series of warnings suddenly appeared under the distorted faint golden words in front of him, stunning him.

(Attention! Attention! Attention!)

(In this perilous sea of the alien planet, for every ship that perished, there was bound to be some kind danger!)

(One would never know if the next thing one saw after opening a floodgate was a treasure or the huge horror that caused the submarine to sink!)

(Before confirming to salvage, please be fully prepared!)

(A crowbar, cutting machine, lighting rod, harpoon gun, and diving knife are indispensable!)

(It would be best if you have a handy firearm. That way, even if you encountered an emergency, it would buy you time to escape death!)

This sudden addition was too strange.

For nearly 20 hours, when the game cheat gave the notifications, they were all said in one go. There had never been such a situation where it added more information halfway.

It was like someone giving you advice when you made a decision.

Meng Lei was stunned on the spot, and his eyes involuntarily widened.

If he was only suspicious in the past, he was now 80% sure that there was definitely something wrong with this game cheat!

"Heh, you're already so brazen? You really can't hold it in. You're jumping quite quickly!"

With a certain guess in his heart, Meng Lei did not think much of it.

Although this game cheat had its own consciousness and its purpose was unknown,

from the looks of it, it did not have any ill intentions towards him.

Then he would naturally enjoy the fruits of his labor and make good use of this convenience.

Who wouldn't want to have a game cheat by his side? Why should he be bothered?

After figuring this out, Meng Lei immediately stopped struggling.

Since the game cheat had already given a clear hint and even listed in detail what to bring, he just needed to follow accordingly.

This was completely brainless!

Humming a tune, he strolled to the living quarters and opened the list of programs on the manufacturing station.

According to the instructions, he added the crowbar, the cutting machine, and other messy things one by one.

Then, Meng Lei turned around and walked to the weapons workshop.

The manufacturing station could not make firearms. It could only be made through the weapons workshop.

At the beginning of the game, Meng Lei had briefly browsed through the contents of the weapons workshop.

In his opinion, those dazzling underwater firearms generally required more materials to make. There was no need to make them at that time.

However, with his current wealth, 10 to 20 units of production materials were really nothing.

However, considering the problem of weapon proficiency, Meng Lei did not dare to rush forward with his rifle and machine gun.

He did not know if he could adapt to the rumored huge recoil.

It would be a huge joke if he threw his gun out before he could fire a few shots!

After looking around, there was no good choice.

Suddenly, his gaze paused for a moment before his eyes lit up.

"Shotgun, this is it!"