Chapter 97: The Instrument for Stargazing (No reason found, anyway 4 updates)


The crystal bone of the Reef-eater Otter is fundamentally a central hub that continuously transforms biological cells through an Origin Structure, causing normal organisms to progressively transform into metallic-based organisms—hence, it can become immune to the vast majority of viruses, organic poisons, and foundationless poisons, and its body can become exceedingly tough.

In simpler terms, it's akin to the Steel-type in Pokémon, and 'Pure Rock Body' represents such power.

Furthermore, the thymus of the Swamp Crocodragon can induce hormones to produce a multitude of powerful immune cells, laying the foundation for further Sublimations down the road. In addition, it can gradually alter Ian's blood properties, allowing his wounds to heal more easily and reducing his likelihood of bleeding.