Chapter 440 The Protection of the Deformed Dragon

The sunlight bathed the golden wilds, the distant river shone like a silver thread, mirroring the dazzling brilliance of the sky above.

The area where Ian was situated was at a small basin to the south of the Golden Prairie; these kinds of basins had abundant water flow. One could occasionally see stretches of tall forests on either side of the roads and around the riverbanks, the scenery was quite uniquely beautiful.

Watching Sio and Lubeck approaching him, Ian felt, to be honest, a little amazed.

He seldom felt surprised. After all, being a prophet, if he were genuinely surprised, it would be out of shock or alarm—pleasant surprises were all too rare.

He patted the camel beast on its head, coaxing it to turn around gently, and Ian asked, "What brings you two here? Have you taken the time to chase after me? Is there something else you need to take care of?"

"Yes, but also no!"