455 Chapter: The Inheritance of Beauty and Memes (2/3)

"Why does Frost Butterfly call you father, sir, rather than 'Senior'?"

At this question, while packing up her tent, Miss Hua'an blinked with a hint of bemusement, twirling a small parasol in her hand that resembled a large mushroom, "I'm not very sure... However, 'Senior' besides referring to any fae older than oneself, in formal situations, also refers to the Fae who 'shaped' oneself and guided one's growth."

"In human culture, that would probably equate to parents. But we fae are born without requiring other fae's assistance, so there's no direct human equivalent... It's just that, over the course of hundreds of years, there have been very few humans who could shape a fae, and you are an exception."