Chapter 473: You Must Be the Space Knight Order, Right! (3/3)

The cable car stopped at a semi-circular cable car station which appeared to be constructed later, made of rock.

The youth noticed, at the entrance of the cable car hanging 300 meters high in the sky, there were rows of landing pads designated for parking flying vehicles and Gryphons among other Magical Beasts. The massive warehouse in the distance must be the hangar for Armor Suits and Aether Armaments. Clearly, those who frequently enter the Imperial City Mid-Upper District like Ian would not ride the cable car up here in such a well-behaved manner.

"This is the place."

Following Tres' guidance, Ian stepped off the cable car, and then Tres, leading Ian, walked towards a passage next to the station, "This is the direct access to the fifth level. I'm not too familiar with it myself. Maybe next time we can explore the Imperial Capital together."

"If there's a chance."