Chapter 547 Spirit Energy Legacy: The Immortal Army (3/3)

"I'm sorry, I didn't notice... that there could still be a sniper's phantom manifesting behind us and ambushing you... This situation is far too dangerous!"

Tres, after all, was not a fool, and he quickly understood what the previous screeching and the crisp clashing noises were all about. He repeatedly apologized to Ian, "This is my team's failure in protection, for not confirming our surroundings and not coming to the rescue in time!"

"Don't fret over it too much."

At this moment, Ian was in exceptionally good spirits, as the growth of the Frost Butterfly made the gloomy forests and fields of the Avak region much more pleasing to the eye.

In the final analysis, the mistake Tres made could have happened to anyone, and the enemy's tactics were indeed very unexpected. It was unnecessary to dwell on it, "This needs to be included in the report — some phantasms possess considerable intelligence and will use ambush tactics, including sniper phantasms. This should count as a merit."