The Cyclops Giant, that was the name Ian had given to his first Armor Suit.
In line with his personal aesthetics, he preferred the name "General Multi-Purpose Mobile Armor Suit—Sniper Specialized No. 0 Experimental Model" for its clear meaning and rational classification; however, due to its lengthiness and the difficulty in articulation, he followed the usual practice and, like all pilots in Terra World, opted for a more colloquial name.
By dismantling and modifying multiple Armor Suits provided by the Firestone Group, Ian pieced together and patched up a design, extracting a variety of technologies from his own collection to forcefully assemble an experimental Armor Suit that matched his conception.
The multi-drug supply box, converted from firefighting Armor Suit components, could create an incredibly powerful 'liquid light'—the so-called 'Light Element Elixir'—by mixing drugs under ultra-high pressure.