
Chapter 95, Heavy Infantry_1

Having finally seen Governor Piers off from the City Lord's Mansion, Baron West regained his territory.

Yet, the thought of having his hard-earned wealth confiscated under false charges ravaged his heart.

With his large fine of 10,532 gold coins, Baron West had the dubious honor of topping the fine list. His fine even surpassed the total of the second, third, fourth, and fifth combined. He was mockingly given the nickname "The Great Victim".

The precise amount bore witness to the Governor's finesse in managing his fines. But in West's eyes, it was nothing more than a blatant mockery.

There was no denying that the sons of the nobles of the North heading south were the most formidable destabilizing group in the Southeastern Province. If Earl Piers wanted a peaceful Southeastern Province, he naturally had to go after the ringleader among these unsettling rioters.