
Chapter 16, Noble Parliament_2

Otherwise, it would be a total disaster. If the strength of Moxi Duchy is not up to par, even if one million reinforcements are sent, it would only serve to deliver heads to the Orcs.

This high degree of uncertainty made Hudson hesitant about whether to send troops to reinforce Moxi Duchy.

The worst part is the reinforcements from various countries. The Northern Three Kingdoms still have a certain strength, and if each could send tens of thousands of elites, it would surely teach the Orc Army a lesson.

Unfortunately, these people, each with their own agenda, only wanted to preserve their own strength and were completely unwilling to exert effort in such a pure public welfare initiative with no tangible benefits.

As for the Clergy's evaluation, Hudson chose to ignore it. Anti-clergy is a political correctness in the Kingdom. If Earl Piers could speak well of the Clergy, that would be the real issue.