
Chapter 15, Implementing Policies_2

Potions which promote the growth of Magical Beasts are available in almost all of the major forces on the continent. However, these potions either have severe side effects or are too costly.

"Your Majesty, things might not be as simple as that. We are all in different circumstances, and the selection of the brood beasts may not be the same.

Research from the Southern Kingdoms has shown that while potions that promote the growth of Magical Beasts work on most of them, their effects vary for different beasts.

Even with joint research, it is feared that everyone would tend to develop exclusive potions for their own Sub-dragon Magical Beasts.

Only those forces with the same brood beast species could cooperate in a real sense. However, even this type of collaboration is packed with reservations.

Pulling everyone to conduct joint research likely signifies a chance for swift information exchange rather than research benefits."

Duke Eufeele, Minister of Military Affairs, lamented this.