Commanding Goddess Leng Yue to Fight? How Dare He!

"Young Master, Miss, run!"

The Xiao family's bodyguards were responsible and would fulfill their duties. After the two of them landed, they regrouped and joined forces to stall the Snake Demon, giving Xiao Shui and Xiao Yan'er time to escape. They also gave many Awakened time to escape.

"Impregnable Fortress!"

"Fencing Strike!"

One of the bodyguards stacked an enhanced Buff for himself to stall the Snake Demon, and the other took out a big sword to fight the Snake Demon head-on. However, the difference in strength was still too great. After a few rounds, the two bodyguards were at a disadvantage.

This was only natural. In the past, every time the Snake Demon farmed, all the Awakened in the academy had to join forces to kill it.

There was no lack of level 15 students in the academy! Therefore, it was difficult to stall the Snake Demon with just two bodyguards. The two bodyguards could only fight and retreat.

Xiao Shui did not expect the Snake Demon to be so powerful and he retreated under the cover of two bodyguards. He was smart enough to know that the Snake Demon could only be killed by everyone working together.

Hence, he took out his phone and used his status as the young master of the Xiao family to post in the group chat, asking the other Awakened of the academy to rush over and help.

The Xiao family was rich and powerful in Dragon City. After the Awakened received the message from Young Master Xiao in the group chat, they took it very seriously. Moreover, the message also mentioned that the Snake Demon Boss had spawned in the depths of the Level 10 lair.

Immediately, the Awakened abandoned their work and rushed to the Level 10 demon lair. Firstly, they could also obtain a lot of experience and rewards by joining forces to kill the Boss Snake Demon.

Secondly, responding to Young Master Xiao's call was to give face to the Xiao family, so to speak. By fawning upon the Xiao family, it would be extremely beneficial for them when they leave the academy and enter society in the future!

In the depths of the lair, everyone was escaping, except for Su Meng.

"Su Meng, why aren't you running? The Snake Demon is too powerful. We're not its match. Let's wait for reinforcements to arrive before we join forces to deal with it!"

Seeing that Su Meng had no intention of retreating, Xiao Yan'er couldn't help but speak. She had also seen the information posted by Xiao Shui on the public channel and knew that reinforcements would arrive soon.

"You guys go first. I plan to stay with Leng Yue to stop it!"

Su Meng replied.


Hearing this, Xiao Yan'er was very touched. She thought that Su Meng and Leng Yue were staying behind to stop the Snake Demon to buy time for everyone to escape!

When everyone heard this, they were also touched. They did not know each other, but Su Meng was actually willing to take risks for a group of strangers! They were touched! They were very touched!

However, everyone had clearly misunderstood. The reason why Su Meng chose to stay and stop the Snake Demon was because he merely wanted to join forces with Leng Yue to deal with it!

Just now, Su Meng had asked Leng Yue if she could defeat the snake demon. Leng Yue said that although it was a little difficult, she could still fight the snake demon.

Of course, because the Snake Demon was not to be underestimated, she needed the help of Su Meng. The so-called help naturally meant that Su Meng could use the artifact spirit to communicate with her and guide her in battle.

Su Meng felt that it was feasible and stayed. They did not expect everyone to misunderstand. There was a reason why everyone had misunderstood.

In their opinion, although Leng Yue, who was by the side of Su Meng, was powerful, she was at most Level 15. This was because the Awakened above Level 15 could not enter the Level 10 lair at all.

However, what they did not know was that this rule was targeted at the Awakened. Leng Yue was the artifact spirit and ignored this rule.


The Xiao family's bodyguards urged Xiao Yan'er to quickly follow them and retreat. Although Xiao Yan'er was touched, as a daughter of the Xiao family, she had no choice but to follow the Xiao family's bodyguards.

After everyone retreated, the Snake Demon's gaze landed on Su Meng and Leng Yue. Perhaps sensing that these two were extraordinary, the Snake Demon did not dare to attack rashly but just stood facing them.

"Master!" Leng Yue suddenly sensed something. "Leng Yue sensed that there was something in the Snake Demon that could strengthen the quality of Leng Yue!"

Leng Yue told Su Meng what she had sensed. Su Meng was overjoyed. The system was not lying to him. Leng Yue's quality could continue to increase! If not for anything else, just to promote the quality of Leng Yue, Su Meng would definitely kill this Snake Demon!

"Fortunately, I ran fast!"

"Oh my god, a Level 15 Snake Demon is too strong!"

After everyone escaped from the cave in the depths of the lair, they only dared to stop when they saw that the Snake Demon did not chase after them. Seeing Su Meng, Leng Yue, and the Snake Demon confronting each other, everyone was touched and found it unbelievable.

"How touching!"

"Su Meng and Goddess Leng Yue actually stood up for everyone's lives and stopped the Snake Demon!"

"But the Snake Demon is a Level 15 Boss. The two of them are courting death!"


Everyone was touched.

"Goddess Leng Yue is beautiful and kind!"

"I love her, I love her!"

Of course, what most people cared about was actually Leng Yue, a peerless beauty in a purple Tang suit! She was beautiful and valiant! She had already charmed many young men!

"Leng Yue, then my consciousness will enter your body."

Before Su Meng used the artifact spirit connection, he did not forget to say something to Leng Yue. Sensing the gentle treatment of Su Meng, Leng Yue was inexplicably touched.

[Ding! Leng Yue intimacy increased! Current intimacy: 10 points!]

Only then did Su Meng realize that there was even intimacy between the artifact spirit and its master. At this moment, Leng Yue's intimacy with Su Meng had increased from 0 to 10.

Without caring too much, Su Meng's consciousness entered Leng Yue's mind. Their consciousnesses instantly became one. They were telepathic! At the same time, the Snake Demon was impatient and attacked Su Meng and Leng Yue.

Facing the Snake Demon, Su Meng did not panic at all. Instead, under the protection of Leng Yue, he calmly directed Leng Yue to fight the Snake Demon.

"Leng Yue, dodge the Snake Demon's collision attack and attack the black spot on its abdomen that looks like an eye!"

Leng Yue and Su Meng were telepathic and understood each other. As they coolly dodged the Snake Demon's attack, the Tang Saber in Leng Yue's hand turned into a purple light and slashed at the Snake Demon's abdomen. Everyone was in disbelief when they saw that Su Meng actually commanded Leng Yue to attack the Snake Demon.

Although they were touched by Su Meng's action of stepping forward and stopping the Snake Demon, Su Meng was only a blacksmith! He was equivalent to trash!

A mere trash who had been cheating all the way, actually commanded Goddess Leng Yue to fight. How dare he! However, just as everyone's thoughts appeared,


Blood splattered!


The Snake Demon let out a scream and quickly retreated.


Seeing this, everyone was dumbfounded. They did not expect the Snake Demon, which the Xiao family's bodyguards could not injure at all, to be injured by Leng Yue!