Xiao Shui Felt Like an Idiot

Although the types of demonic creatures were different and their attack power was different, according to the research of Su Meng, the attack power of demonic creatures below level 20 was generally about 50 points.

Therefore, wearing a Silver Scale Breastplate and being able to lie down and sleep in a group of demonic creatures below level 20 was definitely not boasting. Although the attack power of demonic creatures above level 20 was higher, it was usually not too extreme.

The Snake Demon Body could withstand 50 points of damage and restore 50 HP. In other words, attacking demonic creatures below 100 could not cause any damage to Yan Xie at all!

This was only the effect of the Snake Demon Body. If it was combined with other damage reduction skills, the effect would be even more ridiculous! In short, Yan Xie was more like a Boss than a Boss!

Everyone did not know that much and thought that Yan Xie had gone crazy.

"She's clearly just a teenage girl. Why is she so ruthless to herself?"

"That's right. Her current performance is completely that of a cultist!"

Everyone's hearts ached for Yan Xie, but they were also curious why she would do such a crazy thing.

"Hmph! Needless to say, Su Meng must have brainwashed her!"

Xiao Shui said arrogantly.

He was certain that Leng Yue and Yan Xie were coerced by Su Meng. Therefore, he naturally thought that Yan Xie and Leng Yue had been brainwashed by Su Meng!

"I see! I knew it. How can a trash Class obtain the favor of two powerful girls at the same time? So they've been brainwashed!"

"Damn Su Meng!"

People were filled with righteous indignation. Su Meng could not be bothered. It was not the first time he had been misunderstood. If he could explain himself clearly, he would have done so.

There was no choice. People were only willing to believe what they believed. Unless Su Meng planned to announce the identities of Leng Yue and Yan Xie's artifact spirits, there was no way to explain. In that case, he might as well not explain.


"Swish! Swish!"

Just as everyone was attracted by Yan Xie's crazy actions, a purple figure kept shuttling through the masses of demonic creatures.

The figure was so graceful and agile. Wherever she passed, the demonic creatures fell one after another. Looking at the demonic creatures that had been neatly cut in half, everyone couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

This saber technique was really so powerful! In a daze, everyone seemed to see Leng Yue and the Tang Saber becoming one. Leng Yue was the Tang Saber, and the Tang Saber was Leng Yue!

One with the saber?

Everyone suddenly had this thought.

They were shocked by their own thoughts. It was not easy for even a top-notch sword cultivator and saber artist to become one with the saber, but Leng Yue had done it.

How talented must an Awakened be to be able to become one with the saber without being at a high level? At least, no Awakened in Dragon City had been able to do it for a hundred years! Thinking of this, everyone sighed in their hearts.

Leng Yue was indeed the goddess in their hearts! However, what everyone did not know was that Leng Yue was the artifact spirit herself, and the Tang Saber was actually her main body.

It was precisely because this information was poor that everyone was surprised to see Leng Yue's performance. Su Meng did not explain, but he was proud of Leng Yue.

Whoosh!" "Whoosh!"

At this moment, two sinister-looking demonic creatures suddenly appeared beside Su Meng and surrounded him. Some of the demonic creatures were intelligent. When they saw Leng Yue and Yan Xie, they were like killing gods. They really could not afford to offend them.

Hence, the target was Su Meng. When the others saw hundreds of demons swarming over, they were so frightened that they retreated hundreds of meters away. Only Su Meng remained where he was. Naturally, they targeted Su Meng.

"Oh no!"

Seeing that Su Meng was surrounded by demonic creatures, Xiao Yan'er couldn't help but worry for him.

Seeing this, Xiao Shui looked happy.

Serves you right. Who told you not to run? You like to act, right? Continue pretending! Do you think you're Leng Yue and Yan Xie? You can kill anyone you want!

As for the others, they were more curious about how Su Meng would react. To be attended by two ridiculously powerful young girls, Leng Yue and Yan Xie, his strength shouldn't be too bad, right?

However, Su Meng's subsequent action confused everyone.

Facing the encirclement of the demonic creatures, Su Meng was extremely calm. The moment the demonic creatures attacked him, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

No way! Did I misunderstand him? Is he really a hidden expert?

At this moment, Xiao Shui was a little suspicious. The others also looked at Su Meng curiously. Everyone's gazes were on Su Meng, looking forward to his shocking performance.

However, at this moment, Su Meng suddenly said, "Leng Yue, Yan Xie, come and protect me!"

What?! Everyone was dumbfounded.


At the same time, Leng Yue and Yan Xie reacted quickly. The two of them turned into two rays of light, one purple and one black, and instantly arrived in front of Su Meng.

The Demon Sword and the Tang Saber landed at the same time. In just an instant, they killed the two demonic creatures that were trying to harm their master!

Damn, am I an idiot? I actually thought that Su Meng was an expert!

Xiao Shui felt like an idiot.

Su Meng was just a useless blacksmith. It was a Support Class. No matter how high his level was or how impressive he was, how impressive could he be? As for the others, they also looked disappointed. As expected, this guy was trash!

From the beginning to the end, Leng Yue and Yan Xie were the ones dealing with the demonic creatures. It was fine if he did not help at all, but he actually needed Leng Yue and Yan Xie to save him when facing two old, weak, and crippled demonic creatures.

Why do you have to be fed even if you don't eat! Everyone thought. Of course, Xiao Yan'er was an exception. She clearly didn't think so.

He's actually so calm in the face of two demonic creatures attacking from both sides. As expected, my previous guess was right. Su Meng is not simple!

Xiao Yan'er couldn't help but think to herself.

Although Leng Yue and Yan Xie appeared to be very powerful, it's impossible for anyone to entrust their lives completely to others, right? Su Meng must be confident that even if Leng Yue and Yan Xie can't save him in time, he's confident in killing the two demonic creatures. That's why he can appear so calm and fearless!

The more Xiao Yan'er thought about it, the more she felt that it made sense. After all, although she had the Xiao family's bodyguards by her side, she could not trust them completely!

Ahem, of course, although Xiao Yan'er's analysis was reasonable, everyone was right. Su Meng was just a useless blacksmith. What strength could he have?

His strength was the two artifact spirits, Leng Yue and Yan Xie. However, as an artifact spirit blacksmith, he trusted his artifact spirit very much.

If the artifact spirit blacksmith died, the artifact spirit would also disappear. That was why Leng Yue and Yan Xie were absolutely loyal to Su Meng.