Mysterious Confidence

At this point, even a fool like Su Meng understood.

Su Meng looked around and realized that almost all the disciples of the big families in Dragon City were here. There were even a few familiar faces, especially Xie Qing and the others, who kept staring at him fiercely.

If not for Yan Xie and Leng Yue guarding him, this group of people would have rushed up to him. The reason why they did not attack was because they were stunned by Leng Yue's move just now.

After a long time without a response from Su Meng, Xiao Yan'er spoke gently again.

"Student Su, why don't you wait here for a while? I think the person should be here soon."

Hearing this, the corners of Su Meng's mouth twitched again. He did not expect such a good thing. However, he could obtain what he wanted without the help of others.

Su Meng shook his head calmly.

"There's no need. I want to go in now."

As soon as he said this, the entire venue fell silent again. Within a few seconds, there was an earth-shattering burst of laughter, as if they had heard the world's greatest joke.

"Hahaha, did you hear that? He's just a level 23 blacksmith. He actually wants to challenge an intermediate lair?"

"Students these days, aren't they afraid of spraining their backs when they boast?"

"Wait, why does this person look so familiar? There are two beautiful women guarding him…"

"I remember now. Isn't he the strongest freeloader? It seems that he wants to take advantage of the two beauties again. His skin is as thick as a city wall."

"Shameless people are invincible. I guess he's not awake yet."

"You want to enter a Level 25 lair with such little ability? Isn't that courting death?"

"Shh, beautiful, don't follow such an idiot. Come into my arms. I guarantee that you'll have a good life."

"Su, the maze is not like your previous lairs. Don't die here in the end."

"Young people should listen to advice. Otherwise, they won't even know where they died."

The surrounding people mocked him. None of them approved of Su Meng.

They didn't know where Su Meng, a person without strength, got his confidence from, and he still dared to challenge the maze. He was completely overestimating himself.

Su Meng remained calm in the face of these people's mockery. Tsk, what do you idiots know? How can a sparrow know the ambition of a swan? Hmph, the big boss is my prey.

As if she could not stand the ridicule of the people around her, Xiao Yan'er could not help but speak again.

"Student Su, this is not an ordinary lair. It's better to be careful."

Su Meng felt her kindness.

When the surrounding people heard this, they immediately mocked him again.

"Miss Xiao, not all good intentions will be understood. This person is clearly courting death by going in now."

"Students nowadays? Do they really think that everything can be resolved smoothly with a bodyguard by their side?"

"As expected, people who like to court death are brainless."

Everyone's words were filled with jealousy. They could not help but look at Leng Yue and Yan Xie.

Su Meng remained indifferent to the mockery around him. However, there were some things that needed persistence. Su Meng still acted in disregard of other people's opinions, and stuck to his guns.

"Thank you for your kindness, Senior Xiao."

With that, Su Meng turned around and left, leading the two of them towards the lair.

Arriving in front of the staff guarding the lair, Su Meng immediately showed his VIP card. Under the multitude's gleaming gaze, the three of them swaggered into the lair.

As soon as they entered, a sinister feeling instantly invaded their five senses.

The entire environment was especially empty. The light was dim and there were stone walls everywhere. Se Meng suddenly looked up and saw a terrifying-looking sharp stone wall above his head. There were also many mysterious words distributed on it.

A breeze blew past, and a series of wild shrieks and howls came from the surroundings, piercing everyone's eardrums. The direction of the stone wall was strange, and a little inattention might lead to death.

Su Meng and the others had just taken half a step when the stone wall behind him suddenly moved with a swish, and the entire route changed again.

Looking at this huge maze, Su Meng narrowed his eyes. Without the map in his hand, they would probably not be able to get out even if they circled here for a month. At this moment, Leng Yue suddenly opened her eyes and said coldly.

"Master, this place is not simple."

As soon as she said that, Yan Xie immediately retorted.

"What do you know? Do you need us to follow you if it's safe?"

At the same time, Yan Xie rolled her eyes. She did not take Leng Yue seriously at all.

Speak of the devil. As soon as Yan Xie finished speaking, a black shadow suddenly attacked Su Meng. As the artifact spirit, how could Yan Xie let anything else hurt Su Meng? She immediately waved her huge sword and blocked the other party's sharp claws.

At the same time, the little monster revealed its true appearance. It had a smooth green head, green face, fangs, narrow eyes, hard skin, and ragged clothes. It emitted a stench.

The roar of the little monster collided with Yan Xie's shout.

"Go to hell!"

With a crack, the little monster's claws were cut off.

As for Leng Yue, she guarded Su Meng ruthlessly, constantly vigilant.

On this side, Yan Xie did not stop to let the little monster know what true red triple speed was. She immediately jumped again, raised her hand, and slashed down. Her actions were straightforward. With a clatter, his other claw fell to the ground.

The little monster let out a sharp sound that sounded like it had been pricked by a needle. It was so jarring that one's head hurt.

At this moment, Su Meng also realized how powerful this little monster was.

As soon as she sensed that the little monster had harmed her master, a dangerous glint flashed across Yan Xie's eyes again.

"What are you barking at?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the huge sword flashed again. With a thud, the little monster's head fell to the ground and rolled to the feet of Su Meng. Purple blood splashed all over the ground, and a ball of fat fell to the ground.

Just as Yan Xie was about to take credit, the soft fat on the ground suddenly squirmed. With a few taps, the arm and head grew out again.

The little monster's red eyes stared at Su Meng and the others, as if it was considering how to skin them alive.


Laughter surrounded the small space.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Su Meng narrowed his long and narrow eyes. This thing was much harder to deal with than he had imagined. Not only was it fast and small, but it was also impossible to guard against. Moreover, the fatal point of this little thing was not its neck.