Strange Scene

Relative to the whisperings of this group of people, Han Shi subconsciously looked around. A trace of doubt flashed across his eyes, so quickly that no one noticed.

Han Shi gave his subordinate a look, indicating that he should check his surroundings.

His subordinate understood and checked quietly, not letting anyone present notice.

Han Shi's fingers gently rubbed his clothes and he narrowed his eyes slightly. His gaze was immediately attracted to a corner.

A small X symbol appeared on the wall. That's right, it was the Han family's exclusive symbol. Long ago, in order to deal with the boss of the maze lair, the Han family had already sent several waves of people to investigate.

In order to avoid some unnecessary trouble in the later stages, the Han family's subordinates specially made symbols in the area where the little monsters were densely packed.

When he first entered the cave, there were not many little monsters. Han Shi could understand.

However, there were still very few of them even though they had now reached the area with the densely populated monsters.

Just now, he had only killed four of them. It was not the number of little monsters in a normal maze lair.

According to the information from the Han family's subordinates, there were at least a hundred or even a thousand little monsters in the dense area. Just these three or four just now were only in the single digits.

He had expected a huge battle, but he did not expect the battle to end so easily.

What was going on? Could it be that the three of them had escaped and lured the little monsters away?

But was that possible?

Han Shi pursed his lips tightly, and his expression immediately became more and more complicated.

Suddenly, at this moment, a scream broke the original order and hit the eardrums of everyone present.


Hearing this, Han Shi cried out in his heart. Oh no, something has happened.

Right on the heels of that, he disappeared in a flash. When he reappeared, he was in front of this terrified descendant of a Dragon City aristocratic family.

Whether Dragon City was important or not, it could still be of some use.

This time, there were really many descendants of the aristocratic families who had followed him on this expedition. If anything happened, even if he was a member of the Han family, he would not be able to reason with those aristocratic families. Not only him, but the others also advanced in the direction of the scream.

However, after seeing the scene in front of them clearly, everyone present widened their eyes. Their mouths were so wide that an egg could be stuffed into them. They looked in disbelief. Some people even thought that they were dreaming and subconsciously rubbed their eyes.

A young man was slumped on the ground, his face filled with fear and his body trembling like a sieve.

When he got a little closer, a rich S smell assaulted his nose. If one looked closely, one could see some traces of water stains under his butt. If that was all, Han Shi and the others might not be so surprised.

However, the ground was filled with the limbs and corpses of little monsters, and not many of them were intact. The purple blood soaked the ground, and there was no room for him to step on. Not far from Han Shi, the head of a little monster was pointing right at him.

Although the scarlet eyeballs lacked some light, together with the howling wind in the nest, it inexplicably gave off a sinister feeling.

Before he could figure out what was going on, Xiao Yan'er, who had just arrived, saw the corpse on the ground clearly. Not only was she not afraid, but she even smiled happily.

She suddenly clenched her left hand into a fist and slapped her right palm. She spoke excitedly.

"That's great. Su Meng and the others will definitely be fine."

Xiao Yan'er even turned around excitedly.

"Hahaha, Su Meng must still be alive. These many little monsters must have been killed by him."

As soon as she said this, it was as if she had thrown a stone into the calm water. Immediately, the surroundings became lively.

"Pfft, how is that possible? How is that possible with Su Meng, that trash?"

"This is the biggest joke I've heard this year. Miss Xiao, there's still a gap between anticipation and wishful thinking."

"Isn't that so? If Su Meng was so powerful, he wouldn't have obtained the title of the Strongest Freeloader."

"That's right. With such a weakling like Su Meng, he must be dead by now."

"Sigh, it's a pity about those two beautiful female streamers. I've never seen such a unique woman in my life."

"Tsk tsk tsk, I have to say that although Su Meng's strength is not good, his luck with women is not bad."

"What do you know? If you die under the peony, you'll be a Casanova even if you become a ghost!"

"Alright, he's already dead. Stop making sarcastic comments."

"However, there are so many corpses of little monsters on the ground. The beauties called Leng Yue and Yan Xie are really very strong.

A look of pity quickly flashed across the eyes of one of the descendants of the aristocratic families. As he spoke, he gave a thumbs up. The battles fought by Leng Yue and Yan Xie when they hunted monsters had left a deep impression on everyone.

Han Shi did not say a word. Instead, he squatted down and carefully observed the corpses of the little monsters on the ground.

The corpses of the little monsters on the ground were mainly caused by the explosion. The other marks on the corpses were formed by sword and saber. It seemed that three people had indeed attacked.

Han Shi subconsciously rubbed his chin with his hand, his eyes darkening.

To be able to kill so many little monsters in one strike, it seemed that this person's strength was not simple. At the very least, he was not the so-called trash blacksmith that Xiao Yan'er and the others were talking about.

If a blacksmith could be so powerful, then this continent was truly crazy. As everyone knew, a forger was an ordinary blacksmith. At most, he was a support.

No, calling him a support was overestimating his status. He was just a behind-the-scenes tool. Other aspects could not be of use during combat at all.

Even the top blacksmiths had high social status at most, but they had no say in lair exploration.

Han Shi stood up, patted his clothes and asked directly.

"Are you sure only the three blacksmiths you mentioned entered this place before us?"

As soon as he said this, everyone who had been waiting at the entrance of the lair nodded in unison.

"Yes, Second Young Master Han. In order to follow you and explore the maze, we specially waited at the entrance of the maze for the entire day."

Hearing this, a solemn expression quickly flashed across Han Shi's face.

"Someone who can kill so many little monsters in one strike is especially impressive and awesome. It can't be the trash blacksmith you're talking about, nor can it be two so-called beautiful female bodyguards. From the traces, one can tell that they're different people."

After hearing Han Shi's words, the entire venue fell silent again. A strange atmosphere had spread again.