I Am still a Virgin

In Italy, at Fiumicino…

Jin Yuchen was sitting on the stone steps, munching on a Turkish kebab in his left hand, with a large cup of coffee beside him.

He didn't expect the captain to be so poor that he could only get less than 1,000 Yuan after searching the entire ship.

One couldn't afford a taxi in Italy with this money.

He needed to have identification to buy train tickets.

The nearest underground money houses were all in Rome, so he could only try to save as much as possible.

"Forget it. I'll just work on my legs."

Jin Yuchen ate his barbecued rice and finished his coffee in one gulp. He walked to the trash can and was about to throw it in.

"Hi, boy. Do you have… s…"

A blonde girl saw Jin Yuchen walking over and tried to strike up a conversation with him in broken English, but she was stuck.

Thus, she put her finger to her red lips and made a smoking gesture.

Jin Yuchen felt that the voice was strangely familiar and subconsciously sized her up.


'Unlucky! Isn't this Vera?'

Jin Yuchen was in a bad mood.

He didn't expect McRae Corp. to be involved in the tomb's development so early.

Oh, he had forgotten to mention that he was also an employee of McRae Corp. in his previous life.

Vera worked in the same company, but they didn't interact much. However, Vera was Louise's older sister.

It was the Louise who had blown him up in his last life.

This brought back all his bad memories.

"Hi, boy?"

Vera saw Jin Yuchen staring at her in a daze after replying and suddenly felt that this Asian was very perverted.

Jin Yuchen, who was dragged out of memory lane by Vera's question, didn't answer. He took a pack of Zhonghua cigarettes out of his bag, which was the legacy of the captain.

"For you," he said in Italian.

At the same time, he pursed his lips and thought Vera would have deceived him if he did not know the inside story.

She was a native US citizen, so there must be a special reason for her to pretend not to know English.

He simply followed along with the act.

Vera took the packet, took one stick out, and lit it up. After taking a puff, she blew out a ring of smoke and replied in Italian, "Oh, Chinese cigarettes are really great. I like this one."

Jin Yuchen smiled. "If you like it, I'll give it to you."

At the same time, his eyes were fixed on Vera, who instantly got goosebumps.

His gaze was as if he was licking her from head to toe, as perverted as he could be.

But she held back when she thought that her device could sense that this man had Nero Gold Coins.

"I like generous men," she said, suppressing her discomfort.

Jin Yuchen did not let go of the chance to disgust her.

"Miss, if you need it, I can be more generous… For example, I can give you my DNA."

Vera was so disgusted by Jin Yuchen that she almost vomited. She could only change the topic. " Oh, is that so? That's not necessary. Generous gentleman, have you seen a gold coin nearby?"

Just as Vera was about to describe the pattern and appearance of the gold coin, Jin Yuchen took a Nero Gold Coin out of his pocket.

"Miss, are you talking about this?"

This time, Vera's eyes widened.

'God bless, this is too smooth!'

McRae Corp. was a security company in the early days, and its main business was dispatching mercenaries. When the Great Tombs Era began, they keenly sensed the opportunity and took the lead in completing the transformation.

After excavating a few large tombs, they became the world's largest tomb-raiding organization, with many powerful ability users.

In this era, although they had yet to complete the tomb excavation, they had already done some research on the entrance ticket to the tomb.

Even if they didn't know what the ticket was for, the weakened version of the ability was already enough to make them drool.

The value in the underground world was over 100,000,000!

US dollars!

Vera held back her laughter, and the perverted man in front of her did not look so disgusting anymore.

"Yes, sir. This is the gold coin. It's an item passed down in my family. I lost it nearby. Can I trouble you to return it to me? "

Jin Yuchen made a surprised expression. "Ah?

"My grandfather gave me this gold coin before he died. I didn't expect you would have the same one!

"We're really fated!"

Vera discarded the evaluation that this guy was pleasing to the eye.

'It has been less than a year since its appearance. Where did your grandfather get it?

'Don't you blush when you lie!?'

Vera, who did not realize that she was also lying, ran her fingers through her hair, revealing her long ears and swan-like neck.

Jin Yuchen swallowed his saliva.

"Is that so? It seems that I won't be able to find that gold coin. This is the last thing my mother left me."

There were even tears in Vera's eyes.

Jin Yuchen thought, 'What a good move.' 

He then began to act.

"Sigh… I really sympathize with your experience.

"As a gentleman, I should give this gold coin to you. Although it's not the same one, it can ease your longing for your mother."

Tears welled up in Vera's eyes, and her face was filled with gratitude. "Thank you!"


Jin Yuchen turned around and stared at Vera with a sticky gaze that was like an amphibian tongue.

"This is also my grandfather's heirloom. We Chinese are very filial. We definitely can't ruin his heirloom.

"However, there's still a solution, and that is for you to marry me, miss. This way, I can give this gold coin to you in a legitimate way."

'So disgusting! How could there be such a disgusting man in this world!?'

Vera felt her stomach churning. Jin Yuchen's gaze and greasy words made her physically uncomfortable.

However, she had also received strict training. She pinched her thigh to stabilize her emotions.

Then, she wore a painful and remorseful expression, and after "struggling" for a long time, she said, "Can I only marry you for one night?"

Jin Yuchen also 'hesitated' for a moment before he replied, "This… is not good. I'm still a virgin, so I'm at a disadvantage."

Vera could clearly hear the sound of blood rushing through the blood vessels in her head.

'It's too infuriating!

'Is this f*cking human language!?'

"Forget it. " Jin Yuchen continued. "Since you've made up your mind, I'll reluctantly agree."

A crystal-clear tear streaked across the corner of Vera's eye. It was 90% fake and 10% true.

"Alright, where's the hotel, sir?"

Jin Yuchen was stunned. "Hotel? I don't have a hotel. I'm here in Italy for an illegal job."

"That's good. Sir, please come to the hotel I'm staying at."

Vella gnashed her teeth so hard that they were about to shatter.

She swore in her heart that if she brought this man to the hotel, she would definitely dig out his kidney!

Then, she would feed it to him!