Smith, the Ogre

Vera no longer thought of this guy as a lecherous devil after she was defeated.

The Nero Gold Coins had blinded her, and Jin Yuchen's acting was too realistic. All kinds of performances made her lose her mind.

She should have noticed when Jin Yuchen asked to change hotels!

Although she had made some countermeasures, it was not the best choice.

The thought of how close she had been to Jin Yuchen in the taxi made her heart turn cold.

She knew very well how powerful Nero Gold Coins were. This man had just defeated her without even activating the Nero Gold Coin's ability!

If Jin Yuchen had attacked in the car, she would not be able to survive! However, Jin Yuchen did not make a move even when there was such a good opportunity. He only made a move when she had completely fallen into his trap.

He was as vicious as a snake and as patient as a wolf.

Since such a terrifying enemy had torn off his mask, would he r*pe her!?

For a moment, Vera's brain capacity was not enough.

Then, she fell unconscious.

Jin Yuchen retracted his hand from Vera's head and took her phone.


The man with the scorpion tattoo on his face walked into the hotel lobby with an aggressive aura. Behind him were eight strong men in black suits.

The hotel manager walked up and smiled. "Gentlemen, Sir Charles' guests are here. Please be quiet."

"Charles? Who is it?"

The man with the scorpion tattoo replied in English, then took out a submachine gun from his suit.

"Get lost!"

"The God of Rome, Yankee." The hotel manager was not afraid of the black muzzle at all.

The only response he got was a burst of rapid gunshots.

The man with the scorpion tattoo blasted the manager's head into tomato sauce.

"You talk too much nonsense!

"Let your God resurrect you!


After the gunshots, everyone in the hotel lobby knelt down with their hands on their heads. There was also the sound of a woman crying in the corner.

"What's with all the noise!?"

The man with the scorpion tattoo shot the woman crying in the corner with rapid fire.

"All of you, get down!"

Then, the hotel exploded, and everyone began to flee.


"I forgot that these Italians don't speak good English!"

Seeing that the situation was gradually getting out of control, the man with the scorpion tattoo decided to use his submachine gun to clear the way and directly killed his way to where Vera's mobile phone signal was.

If Vera had managed to subdue the target alone, their efforts would have been in vain.

However, if Vera was subdued by the target, the man with the scorpion tattoo would not be able to tolerate it.

He had never even touched that woman before. The thought of letting another man get to her first made his heart burn.

The brawny men rushed to the third floor and scanned for her phone. They nodded at the same time, and the man with the scorpion tattoo kicked the door open and rushed in.


The eyes of the man with the scorpion tattoo glowed red. He rushed into the bedroom and saw the phone on the bed.

'It's a trap!' the man with the scorpion tattoo cursed in his heart. Then, he heard a miserable cry from behind the door.

The door of the room next to it was torn apart in an instant. A rough pair of hands broke out of the door and grabbed the neck of a strong man in a suit at the back.

Jin Yuchen's voice was like the Devil's whisper.

"Don't move, or I'll break your neck."

In such a short time, using the phone to lure the enemy away was all he had set up.

He really didn't have the time to do too much.

The other party had come faster and more frenzied than he had imagined.

He did not expect Vera's teammate to be Smith, the Ogre.

This man was notorious even in companies that did mercenary business like McRae.

This person was mainly active in Africa and had once made sashimi for the daughter of a warlord.

He was a black hand of the Black Gloves of McRae Corp. This kind of dirty work usually didn't have a good ending, but the Great Tombs Era was an opportunity for such people.

Because of his early qualifications in the company, he participated in some tomb excavation work during McRae Corp.'s transformation and became an ability user at the same time.

Back then, Jin Yuchen had to call him 'Senior'.

'I just wanted to play around, but I didn't expect to provoke such a guy.'

To be honest, Jin Yuchen was a little regretful.

There was no possibility of reconciliation with this lunatic.

Smith rushed out of the room and snarled at Jin Yuchen, "Release her!"

Just as Jin Yuchen was about to reply, he saw Smith's hand on the trigger.


Jin Yuchen didn't expect this guy to fire at him without giving him any room for negotiation.

Wasn't he afraid that his men would betray him?

But fortunately, his dynamic force, which had been trained for many years to keep an eye on mosquitoes, had detected the signs of fire in advance and dodged it.

However, the hostage was not so lucky.

Bullets and ricocheting bullets were flying in the corridor, and the hostage was like autumn grass swaying in the wind or like the dance of the superstar Michael Jackson of the century.

Puffs of blood mist spurted out of the small hole in the front and the large hole in the back.

The entire corridor was painted with various liquids, giving it an abstract look.

Hiding in the room, Jin Yuchen silently loaded the gun he had snatched, his ears twitching.

The gunshots stopped. Jin Yuchen recalled the gunshots.

Taking into account the carrying factor, McRae Corp. usually issued a 30-round magazine with a low load.

The number of gunshots just now was basically the same.

At this time, the average player would start reloading under their teammates' cover.

After firing at his companion, Smith's men had probably lost their will to fight.

Who knew if they would be next?

If they rushed out now to support him, Smith might shoot at them if he was startled.

Smith's usual way of thinking was simple. Even if it was a magazine with 50 bullets, he would modify it and add a few more.

It was specially used to deal with experts who could count the number of gunshots.

If it weren't for the fact that he had worked at McRae Corp. before, Jin Yuchen would have fallen for it.

A red light flashed in Jin Yuchen's eyes, and he activated the Nero Gold Coin's bility.

This was the first time he had used this ability in both his previous and current life.

He didn't have a chance in his previous life, but the tickets were very precious in this life.

After all, the ticket was not the treasure of the tomb owner. It would gradually weaken or even dissipate as the ability was used.

He didn't know how many times Alexander had used it, but seeing how he used it so casually, it was probably not far from being completely scrapped.

By then, he wouldn't even be able to enter Nero's Tomb.

But now that he had gotten a ticket from Vera, he had more money on hand.

With the activation of his ability, Jin Yuchen twisted his waist and started to pack up. He rose from the ground and used Iron Mountain Leaning to hit the wall.

Jin Yuchen broke through the wall and rushed into another room.

Then, he rushed to the door of the room and opened fire.

Wood chips flew everywhere, and a few layers of blood mist instantly appeared in the corridor.

In the world of aptitude users, there was no cover.

People who only had the experience of fighting ordinary people would only be harmed by their own experience.

Jin Yuchen was ready to give Smith a lesson.