
With the death of the fishing-net gladiator, the huge arena was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.

It wasn't like there hadn't been such a ferocious person before.

What they couldn't accept was that Jin Yuchen's close-combat style gave them a sense of crushing pressure.

Although Jin Yuchen was not having an easy time, he looked relaxed.

For a moment, even the angry voices disappeared.

The two gladiators looked at each other and took the initiative to get closer.

The shield gladiator was in charge of defense, while the ax gladiator was in charge of the offense.

This tactic was very shameless, but at this time, they could no longer care about the ugly situation.

It was better than death.

The man in front of them was more like a monster than they were.

The shield and ax skeletons had no blind spots in their defense. They were like a moving wall that suppressed Jin Yuchen's space.

Jin Yuchen retreated slowly and turned his body a few more times, trying to find an opportunity to do so, but he was blocked.

The other party had been facing him the entire time.

The two of them were running in circles, and Jin Yuchen kept retreating.

Although he had killed the fishing-net gladiator, which was the biggest threat, this turtle-like tactic had reduced Jin Yuchen's chances of winning.

He had fallen into their battle rhythm!

The red light in the eyes of the two gladiators seemed to be burning.

This scary man's close-combat skills were very scary, but it didn't mean that he didn't need space.

It was just that the space he needed was very small, and it was almost impossible to defend in a one-on-one battle.

As long as it was one against many, the individual would fall into a natural disadvantage.

If they could force this man to give up on close combat and switch to winning by distance, then there would be nothing to be afraid of.

It was just that they were led by this man in the beginning and didn't have the chance to react.

Using all sorts of tricks and setting up traps could only mean one thing: he definitely couldn't go head-to-head with them!

If they insisted on going head-to-head with the other party, then they would have no other way.

The long confrontation finally ended, and Jin Yuchen's back hit the wall.

"He has no way out!"

"Kill him!"

Accompanied by the crazy shouts on the field, the two gladiators slowly approached.

The short sword cut Jin Yuchen's lower plate from the left, while the two-handed ax went straight for Jin Yuchen's head from the right!

This joint attack was almost perfect. The front, back, left, right, and space were all locked. The man had no other way but to take it head-on.

Using a dagger to resist a two-handed ax?

In your dreams!

As long as the man took it head-on, they could continue to attack. Even if he hit the shield as he did initially, the prepared gladiators would not be knocked away so easily.

To a certain extent, when the shield was tilted, it could even block the impact of a warhorse.

The gladiator didn't expect Jin Yuchen to do that, so it suffered a big loss.

At present, the two gladiators were on high alert to prevent Jin Yuchen from escaping.

Then, in the next second, Jin Yuchen disappeared from their sight.


"What's going on?"

Before the two gladiators could figure out what was going on, Jin Yuchen suddenly appeared above them.

There was no way out, but he still had the sky!

He jumped up into the air. Even human grandmasters of combat could react in time to such an attack, let alone two gladiators who had surpassed the limits of human beings.

The reason Jin Yuchen was able to keep the two gladiators from reacting was that he had jumped more than once.

His feet were strong enough to kick into the wall and use it to accelerate.

At the same time, his over-enhanced fingers also dug into the wall, which was equivalent to his four limbs simultaneously exerting force to increase his speed.

Only with all the conditions met could one strike exceed the reaction time of the two gladiators.

By the time the two gladiators could see the hole in the wall, Jin Yuchen had already flipped in the air and was behind them.

"So that's how it is, hehe."

"How did I lose?"

One of the two gladiators reacted while the other did not, but neither affected their final outcome.

And that was to die in the Colosseum.

Jin Yuchen had just landed on the ground when two daggers pierced through the gladiators' heads from under their helmets.

As the two gladiators' bodies fell, Jin Yuchen kicked left and right, sending the rotten Roman sandals on his feet flying.

Then, he opened his arms.

"Cheer for me!"

Thunderous applause rang out.

No matter how much they yearned for the death of the man in front of them, as Roman citizens, they still cheered with the greatest enthusiasm for this wonderful battle.

It was a pity that the two gladiators were not alive, and there was no blood to embellish the victory.

Nero's eyes glowed red as he looked at Jin Yuchen, who was cheering.

This man cheered more than he did.

He really wanted to kill him.

At that moment, Jin Yuchen looked at Nero on the stage with a provocative smile.

This was an immature young man who liked to bask in and enjoy the cheers of others.

If he loved him, he would wish for the whole world to know about him. If he hated him, he would wish for him to die, even if the person he hated was his own mother.

Any normal person would experience this stage of excessive hormone secretion, and it would be fine after they were older.

But Nero was different. He had no restraints at that age, and the power in his hands could ensure that he could be willful.

This kind of behavior had deeply distorted his mentality.

A child who peeled a frog would never realize how cruel they were. Their starting point was just for fun.

They could even jump off a building for fun, even if the price was their lives.

Nero's childlike mentality was the source of his tragedy. Even if he died in the end, he would not think that he had made any mistakes.

Jin Yuchen was trying to lure him into the fight.

To defeat a duel star in front of thousands of people, Nero had never experienced such excitement before.

Now that you had the strength and the opportunity, why not?

"Get off the stage, child."

The meaning in Jin Yuchen's eyes was clear.

But he underestimated Nero's arrogance.

"Beautiful! I'm curious, are you the strongest human?"

Jin Yuchen nodded. This was not the time to be humble.

"Currently, I am."

Nero sneered.

"What a proud beauty. Alfonnius, you've got yourself a good slave.

"There will be more guests coming to Rome soon. Capture them all and let them fight with this beauty.

"I'd like to see if he's boasting."

After saying that, Nero turned around and was about to leave.

"Your Majesty, you haven't rewarded me yet!" shouted Jin Yuchen.

The red light in Nero's eyes got brighter, but it calmed down after a while. He then took out a handful of gold coins and threw them at Jin Yuchen.

"Here's your reward."

"In the following days, please me well."

As Nero disappeared, Jin Yuchen slowly picked up the gold coins on the ground.

'It seems like this scene can't stimulate him. He'll probably only fight personally after he's confirmed that I'm the strongest human.

'Forget it. I can't count on this route. I hope my backup will be of use.'