
Compared to Jin Yuchen's ease, Vera's side was having a hard time.

"F*ck!" Vera cursed under her breath as she directed the remaining two cyborgs to move closer to her.

Escaping was definitely not a good choice. In the face of this monster that could create a sonic boom, Vera did not dare to bet that her legs could run faster than this thing.

That would only expose her weakness to the other party.

Now that things had come to this, she had to go all out.

Vera pressed the remote control that was implanted under her wrist.

The heads of the two cyborgs on the stage suddenly exploded, and the strong light and violent shockwave covered Nero.

The two cyborgs that had rushed to Vera's side were half-squatting on the ground, forming two human shields. At the same time, their backs were open, revealing their spines, which were shining with a metallic luster, and a large number of mechanical structures.

Vera put both of her hands into them.

With the sound of friction from the mechanical rotation, Vera's hands were firmly locked by the mechanical structure, and she pulled the trigger.

A metal pillar popped out of the spines of the two cyborgs and inserted itself into the stone floor. At the same time, two metal rods also split out of their thighs to support them.

"Go to hell!"

As the cigarette fell from Vera's mouth, the chest of the two cyborgs opened, and the muzzle with spiral rifling was aimed at Nero.

At this time, the strong light dispersed, revealing Nero's figure in the theater.

His costume was torn, and his exposed ribs were full of cracks. Only half of the mask on his face was left, and a terrifying red light shone out of the skeleton's eye sockets, which was refracted into a red mist by the smoke and dust.


Nero's anger was almost visible, but only two tongues of fire responded to him.

The sound of rockets flying through the air echoed, almost covering Nero perfectly. Bone fragments flew, and even sparks were created.

'What kind of monster is this!?'

Although Vera had the advantage, the more they fought, the more frightened she became.

When taking into account the ammunition-carrying capacity and firing rate, the modified cyborgs used machine gun bullets. The power of the bullets was not as strong as rifle bullets, but it was not something that could be resisted by living things.

However, the monster in front of her had been hit by two rockets and only had a small crack?

Nero let out an inhuman roar, and the front row of skeletons in the audience rose up and was sucked onto the stage.

"Your Majesty! Don't!"

Nero put his hands together, and many skeletons began to crumble and stick together, forming a bone wall in front of him.

Jin Yuchen, who was in the stands, started to clap.

"Oh, even the audience is involved in the impromptu performance. What a genius."

Jin Yuchen's words made Nero's body stiff, and the red light in his eyes was much dimmer than before.

Jin Yuchen didn't want to be a busybody. It was a good thing that Vera could force Nero to use more tricks, but he didn't want Nero to get out of his acting state. Nero was obviously stunned by the firepower that was beyond his knowledge and started to get serious.

It wasn't a wise move to face a full-power Nero.

That was why he reminded him.

Outside the theater, Vera's line of sight was blocked by the bone wall, so she could not see what was happening on the field.

But it didn't prevent her from feeling Nero's pause. She sharply seized this gap, and a red light flashed in her eyes as her slender legs lifted the rocket launcher on the ground, which drew an arc in the air and was lifted to the front of the cyborg.

One of the cyborgs raised its arms and placed the rocket launcher in front of it.

At the same time, it opened its mouth wide like a crocodile, and a rocket fell from its upper jaw to load the rocket launcher.

As the trigger was pulled, white smoke spewed out from the end of the rocket launcher, and the rocket drew an arc in the air and flew toward the theater's interior.

A violent explosion resounded as a hole was made in the bone wall, sending a huge amount of bone fragments flying toward Nero.

Facing the flying bone fragments, Jin Yuchen waved his hands, leaving a series of afterimages in the air. It was as if a lotus flower had grown in front of him.

Then, he let go.

The bone fragments fell to the ground, but not a single one could touch his body.

Nero, on the other hand, was not so confident. Although he was fast, this technique could not be achieved with only speed. Some of the bone fragments even hit his eyes.

The red light in his eyes weakened a bit as he was injured.

"You son of a b*tch!"

This time, Nero was completely enraged.

The audience in the stands floated up in unison as if they were iron scraps attracted by a magnet.

It was as if there was a whirlwind on the stage.

In the distance…

Bruny and the others appeared in Rome Inverted.

Looking at the surging lava river in the sky and the huge building in the distance, everyone was shocked.

"Boss, we've found Costa!" shouted one of the gang members, pulling everyone back from their shock.

Looking at the direction the gang member was pointing at, Bruny rushed over with a vigor that did not belong to his age.

That police uniform was too iconic.



The man on the ground was no longer breathing, and there was still a shocked expression on his face. He was holding a police pistol tightly in his hand, and a javelin was stuck in his abdomen, almost tearing him in half.

Not far away from him lay a skeleton with a broken skull.

Bruny, who was close by, felt a sharp pain in his chest when he saw this.

He had come too late, and Costa lay dead in front of him.

It was so simple that it did not seem to make any sense at all. Bruny could not accept it for a moment.

They had known each other for a long time, but they hadn't been in contact for long. They even hated each other.

Costa hated his business, while Bruny hated him for being a good person.

As long as good people existed, bad people would realize how sad they were and then hate them.

'Right? Why must you be a good person?'

He only felt the absurdity of the world but did not immerse himself in this emotion for too long because the scene in the distance left him dumbfounded.

A white cyclone rose from the buildings in the distance.

It was literally soaring to the sky because it reached the magma river above.

Bruny took a closer look and realized that it wasn't a cyclone but a giant bone tower made of countless white bones. In the middle of it, there was a sea of skeletons crying and wailing.

The white bone tower began to spin, and the huge siphoning effect attracted the lava from the lava river. As the white bones spread, the cyclone turned into a huge fire whirl.

"God! What is that thing!?"