Playing House

After all, Jiang Hu didn't think that the other party wouldn't know how to train her body since she had reached this level.

Moreover, the other party was not so weak in the first exchange, which meant that Jiang Ying did not have enough strength. The problem might not be that serious.

Then Jiang Hu remembered the other party's hospital gown, which made her want to hit her own head.

Who would wear this if they weren't sick!?

Intense regret welled up in Jiang Hu's heart, and she waved her hand. "Forget it. I'm not fighting anymore."

This sentence infuriated Jiang Ying. She growled angrily and questioned, "You're pitying me?"

"No, I don't."

As soon as Jiang Hu responded, she felt her nose heat up. She wiped it and saw the blood on her palm. She was in disbelief.

"I'm injured? What's going on?

"I'm sorry, it seems like I've underestimated you," she said, her eyes narrowing.

"You're here to kill me, right?"

Jiang Ying spread out her hands. At that moment, her blue-purple blood vessels were like tree roots that branched out, looking ferocious and flirtatious.

"You've realized it very quickly. Even though I'm sorry for using such a method, I'm really sick. I can't beat you without using some special means."


Jiang Hu instantly understood the reason for his injury. The other party must have poisoned her.

However, since they had fought, she had not been injured, so the only way she could have been poisoned was probably through breathing.

The other party hadn't thrown poison powder around, so it should be some other technique.

Jiang Hu looked at her opponent's bruised blood vessels, and a flash of understanding appeared in her mind.

The other party must have used some kind of method to make her blood poisonous, so her sweat during the battle was also poisonous.

As long as Jiang Ying took the opportunity when Jiang Hu wasn't paying attention to spray her sweat into her mouth and nose, she could achieve the purpose of poisoning Jiang Hu.

But this idea was a bit too nonsensical.

Just a few drops of it had poisoned her, so how did the other party survive with all her blood mixed with it?

That was not right.

There had to be a way.

Jiang Hu thought of the Nero Gold Coin that her Junior Brother had given her. Since there was such a supernatural ability in the world, it was not impossible to achieve this.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hu was shocked.

Just as she was about to reach for the Nero Gold Coin in her pocket, Jiang Ying snapped her fingers.

Jiang Hu fell down instantly.

Her eyelids felt as heavy as a thousand pounds, and Jiang Hu tried her best not to lose consciousness.

She vomited large amounts of blood.

"What a powerful poison!"

She then lost consciousness.

Jiang Ying took out Nero Gold Coin from Jiang Hu's pocket and blocked Sun Chuanwu's attack.

"What's wrong? You think you can beat me?"

Sun Chuanwu only heard the sound of popcorn popping. Jiang Ying's hand seemed to have grown out of thin air and grabbed his neck.

Then, he lost consciousness.

"Such an unadorable little fellow. Why don't I leave a gift for Junior Brother?"

The corners of Jiang Ying's mouth curled up like a crescent moon.

"Qihai River Crab, Qihai River Crab!"

Hearing the repeated honking on the street, Jin Yuchen finally remembered the crab-eating season.

Tianjin was a port city with a lot of seafood. "Borrowing money to eat seafood was not a bad idea."

This seafood was most likely referring to crabs. After the season, they wouldn't be able to eat good ones, so when the season came, they had to borrow money to eat a meal. Otherwise, they would have no place to regret it.

Even in a city that loved seafood, Qihai River Crab could still become a well-known local brand.

But as a child who grew up in Tianjin, Jin Yuchen had never eaten it before.

In the past, his master didn't allow him to eat, but after his master left, he didn't have money to eat.

"Why don't I buy some? I don't think Senior Sister has eaten it before, either."

Jin Yuchen made up his mind, packed some river crabs, and walked slowly to the Jiang martial arts school.

Before he even reached the door, his face darkened.

The bag containing the river crabs fell to the ground with a thud.

The thick smell of blood in the air clearly indicated the problem.

"It's fine, it's fine.

"Senior Sister is so strong, and she has the Nero Gold Coin. How could she be hurt?

"This blood must be from the enemy, right?"

Jin Yuchen stood at the door. He wanted to open the door but stopped with a trembling hand.

"It's fine, it's fine."

Jin Yuchen opened the door.

Jiang Hu was lying on a recliner in the yard, blood flowing on the ground like a small lake.

Her head had been cut off.

Jin Yuchen walked to Jiang Hu's headless body and gently held her in his arms. His clothes were soaked in blood.

The sky gradually darkened.

Jin Yuchen stood up and carried Jiang Hu's body into the house.

After entering the house, Jin Yuchen put down Jiang Hu's body and started a fire to cook.

After making a table full of dishes, Jin Yuchen and Jiang Hu sat opposite each other.

"Senior Sister, why aren't you eating?

"If you're not eating, I'll eat first."

Jin Yuchen picked up his bowl and chopsticks and began to talk to himself.

"I had a mental illness before, the serious kind. I thought I had recovered.

"I know I'm running away, but I can't control myself."

Jin Yuchen raised his head and saw Jiang Hu smiling at him from across the table.

However, the shadow on the ground still had no head.

Jin Yuchen closed his eyes. When he opened them again, Jiang Hu was still looking at him.

Jin Yuchen laughed at himself.

"Jin Yuchen, you're crazy.

"You're starting to seek a fantasy to comfort yourself again.

"After so many years, you haven't made any progress at all. You have to pull yourself together and find Senior Sister's murderer.

"There's no use in deceiving yourself, right?

"Senior Sister would never smile at you for so long. Don't fantasize about such a disgusting Senior Sister, okay?"

Jin Yuchen blinked. His Senior Sister's headless body was sitting on the chair.

He heaved a long sigh of relief and began to gulp down his food.

At the same time, on Sophie's yacht…

Sophie shuddered for some reason when she saw Jiang Ying humming.

"Director Jiang, Rick is dead."

Hearing Sophie's report, Jiang Ying replied nonchalantly, "It's normal to die. A strong desire to fight is both a good and a bad thing. If you can escape, you must fight to the end. If you don't die today, you will die tomorrow.

"Is there anything else? If there's nothing else, don't disturb my good mood."

Sophie was overjoyed when she heard that and quickly left.

Jiang Ying played with the Nero Gold Coin in her hand, took a sip of juice, and put it down, then patted the square box on the table.

"My dear Junior Brother should be on the right track now.

"He should be playing house with Phantom now.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, how pitiful."

Then, she opened the box and revealed Jiang Hu's head.

Jiang Hu's head suddenly opened its eyes. Its mouth opened and closed, but it couldn't make any sound because it didn't have a windpipe.

Jiang Ying looked at this scene with interest, then clapped her hands. "Look at you. I should ask Sophie to get you a body.

"Then I'll use it to fight with my dear Junior Brother. It'll be very interesting.

"Jiang Ying, oh, Jiang Ying, you're a genius."