4:CAll hEr

i woke up the next morning feeling a bit tired ,so i had to take a cold bath and prepare myself for the day ,i was still at the my mansion which we always make out me and shawn "queens"it was its name

i wore a miniskirt which reflected my fairly long tenderlyvlegs and a top the left for a certain work when i got out the house i could see the guards whispering to each others actually i was blessed ,you cant deny i had a good figure my shaped breasts ,shape,shaped butts and my face was amazing as i had visible dimples i was too perfect to the way of looks

i was on my way to my company when i got a call from my Secretary david

"miss the CEO of longgold wants to se you "as he talked

"at which time "i asked

" at 9 pm ,coz he thought is the only time you wont be busy,so i agreed"

"okay ,i just want to know why those people are eagely to have a meeting with me"

" he said you will have to go yourself and he will pick you up"

i just didn't know what was going on but i had to wait camly so i just arrived to my baby product company and i went straight to my office as i did some work then i went to my private suit had a bath then decided to wear my short dress which made my breast visible .comb my hair then did some makeup and wore just simple shoes and step out coz i got

the call as the car was outside

i arrived as the driver opened the door for me i stepped inside .....the journey was for 2hrs so we arrived at 11 ,i was very mad as i got out the car i took out my specs which were tinted and placed them inside my purse

it a really big mansion so the door was opend i was directed till a place where i was supposed to wait.inward i really thought what really kind of a man is this coz the house was super big than all the mansion i have ever visited and had a really high security ..soon i heard foots steps

Then soon approached me i was stuck because of his long lashes,his jaws,his nose every single part of him rendered me speechless, never seen another man been fashioned with such beauty and perfection as he made me really stuck also to his shaped packs as he wore a shirt with half button

"hey welcome" actually i was brought back with his deep voice

Thanx as i forced a smile ,the maids arleady served me wine as a was taking a sip to calm myself i think i needed this to bring back my confidsnce

"Well i called you here to make a contract with you ..i need a qualified model like you to work with me to my company"he talked short

"well handle me the contact to make a review"as he handled me the file he proceeded

" we need to make agreement today mean right now .So make wise decision" as he continued scanning me as also took glances which made me not look to his eyes coz made me insane

my only considerate was money they really offered me a huge salary ..so i just had to agree without considering the conditions coz where only challenge s that you cant avoid

"Thanx for agreeing to work with us as he finnished clearing the files" he seemed to be a person who doesn't care and has contempt but also gentle

As i woke up from my seat felt like something sharp in my stomach as he held

"ouch! it's hurt "as tears where arleady out it was really hurting i felt like something stubbing my stomach

"Take it easy "as he held me down and made a call i couldn't bear the pain as i passed out

i woke up feeling relieved as i found myself in this big room with a canular on my arm so i just went and took a hot bath coz i was feeling cold but it was sunny since was summer then i found new clothes as i wore a short dress but wasn't tight it was freely and decided to get out of the room as i pushed the door i found him as was about to bump

as he held me tight as if he was protecting something delicate

"U should be careful you have not yet recovered you better stay in your room "as he opened the door and placed me on the bed

Actually i could move my eyes away from him as he realised and chuckled

"Are you seeing a ghost infront of you?...well i should blame you because you were about to lost your life because you were drugged and you added with wine which was arleady toxic in yr body"

i got scared and thought how was i drugged..then remembered when i was driving toward my company i passed to my everyday coffe shop so i told him

"You should be careful next time coz you don't know who is your enemy ...you might see someone is good at you now but in reality has gludges so don't trust easily"as he caught my hands and soon realised as he stood faster

"i will tell the maids to take care of you ,i have to meet someone so the doctors will attend you but take it easy you will be having an operation"

"Here?"i asked with a suprise

"yes here i have my private hospital here at my mansion" as he was heading out

" see you"as he headed out

Soon the maids attended me soon i got bored so i asked one of the maids to take me out as she told me stories about him

"so you say that he was betrayed by his bestfriend as he impregnated his fiancee?" as i questioned

"yes miss ...that made him to he rude and contempt and to loose trust also heartless but your lucky miss maybe you can capture his heart coz this his first time for a woman to sleep in his house"

"well i guess is because ...it was an accident that made me here that can't be taken as affection"as we were heading to the private hospital as we received a message

Soon i had a small operation..it was not actually big i didn't want my mom to be worried coz she has pressure since we lost dad ...i was given medicine and had a rest

"So how do you feel now"he asked as we were having dinner

"Good by the way i will have to go home tomorrow coz my mom is very worried and didn't want to tell her coz she cant take it"still not facing him

" Okay "as he left the dinning ,i finished my food and then headed to the swimming area i wached water and decided to go and take coffe

on my way back i saw this room shinning as its lights reflected till out i decided to enter i used a password as my room and it opened with my suprise i saw a big picture of a lady smiling it was glittering as the light were the ones reflecting and decided to switch on light the room was very beautiful contained variois picture of him and the lady on big picture while watching and looking around i heard someone

"hey miss..sir doesn't like anyone in this room he will get angry when he realise this"it was the maid which accompanied me the bored time

"oh! Shit "as i realisd that is the woman that broke his heart and decided to leave as i headed toward my room i heard someone calling me as i realised he was him i felt like burrying myself

" yes,"as i turned not looking at him

"Not feeling sleeping"he asked ..i was about to deny but my heart betrayed me

"Yes..sure"as he gave me a hand and he suggested we should walk around the mansion

"i saw you earlier in my private room"as i got stuck and squeezed my hand as i was walking alone ryt now

"Am sorry about that i just wanted to look what was reflecting that much"as i looked away

"No pblm ..that's the past ..it was my mistake being busy and leaving responsibilities to my bestfriend "as he looked down

"So you have forgiven them?"as i asked

"yes but i can't let them back to my life"soon we arrived to the place where we were sitted looking at the stars and after long talk i fell a sleep as the next day i found myself on the bed

i figured out the lastnight talk and just Chuckled