My first day

i walked inside the office as i was directed to my office and found out different documents that i had to start my work

"David you have to check where is the studio so as i could start my works "as david left

i sat down for a while and received a message from Charlotte that made my mood off but ignored it as david picked me up and i walked straight to the studio which i changed clothes but that day i didn't have naked pictured it was only short clothes like this i had to sit on a chair facing back but didnt wear a bra i covered my mybreasts with my hands as i bent down small as my butts were enlarged which showed the pants which were been promoted as i didn't close the shorts buttons and another were normal clothes

Soon i walked out since my work for that day was done i drove off till where Charlotte and carl were studying as i entered the principal office that she explained that carl got into a fight with his fellow team mate and they might not allow him to continue playing

i knew how much carl loved football so i gave out bribery and left with both till home where mom was not there yet from her work

"So will you explain everything to me now?"as i was so mad

"it carl was so mad when he found out that steve cheated on me but he kept quite but didn't tell him anything till this time he embarrassed me as he abused me on the spot of many people"as Charlotte cried

"No phones ....weekend you will be staying home and your grounded for one month" i was giving hard punishment till david got stuck with

"lyk serious they are kids boss"as he spoke

"okay no outing parties unless family issues for a month and weekend you will help mom with her restaurant "as mom entered

"Wow what an amazing news"as she sat and i stood and headed to my room

"So what's going on here"as Charlotte and carl left david explained as mom chuckled

"these kids let me help the maids with cooking "