My first pregnant

"what's going on with me"i woke up as i saw stormly smiling looking at me with his seductive eyes the he walked and sat beside me

"Am going to be a father "i couldn't believe my eyes how could this happen i just recalled the times that stormly made me do sex till i couldn't focus

I just ended up in his hugs and he really smiled and promised to take care of me

During my pregnant month ...i moved to gavriel house he employed more maids to look after me and he would join me for meals

It was the day which i visited mom

"Dear are you not planning on getting married yet "as she looked at me

"Mom ...when time come we will you know very well marriage is abig thing "as i didn't tell her about stormly mom's words we continued eating

"well sis will you take me with you to see brother inlaw's house "

"Sure Charlotte but not today ...i'll get going"Mom helped me coz pregnant was big soon i will give birth as my baby shower was arleady done as i was expecting a baby girl

It was the day when i delivered my baby

kulture she was so cute and her beautiful eyes were adorable ...she yawned as her face explode her deep dimples ..i felt like God gave me an angle ..i couldn't stop adoring her beautiful face

It was kulture third birthday and she really loved her dad so much as her dad always listens everything she says

"Daddy will you buy me a havorboard"as she leaned to his chest

"Sure.. baby i will come with it the moment i come back from my trip "as he kissed her and faced me

"Take care ...clawrie "as he kissed me and left ...actually these days i have been having arguments with stormly because of his mother ...she has been a big luggage to me

i just told stormly that his mother toldnme that she wanted me to abort kulture but he refused and said that i was lying and i had a business that i wanted to do but he refused me to work but i didn't listen to him and i did

we didn't speak for almost a week ..actually i was thinking that he's just taking a break