
"I think my daughter needs to stay away from this place "Nessah suggested

"well I understand...as a mother you want the best for your child and this is like a movie Nessah" Mr long added

"Well ..I will explain to clawrie about our relationship later and she will understand that you were his dad's friend"

Soon Travis left as well as Mr long after a long talk ...then clawrie left with stormy as Nessa left with the kids as they were allowed to leave the hospital

"Well ..why do you want to talk to me?"stormy asked

"Me and kulture will be living this place we are going abroad to stay for her mental well being "

"Abroad!..you want to take away my child from me really claw"as he responded in harshly tone

"Well you didn't even want to see her for one year and half and yet you are demanding for her..am sorry stormly I have made my decision my child is going away with me and you will see her in holiday season that's enough you still have a family to take care"Clawrie stood up and left with a bang

Soon as she arrives things were arleady packed up and set in the car

"well .I will miss you Carl"Charlotte cried as Carl was his brother, cousin and best friend

"Am just going to level up my basketball skills,I will be coming for holidays right sis"as he looked at me

"yes .bye mom"as clawrie hugged her mom and drove off to her private jet where they left

They arrived at a avarage size mansion and they were workers and security

"This is Gina incharge of every thing in this house ..the head of the maids "as clawrie introduced

"these are cooks and this is berotte will be your driver incharge of market and school driving..the security will be not permanent so no need of introducing them"as clawrie directed Carl to his fancy room as he made arrangements of how he wanted it to look since back

and kulture her beautiful design aquatic bedroom

"Mommy I really love my room "as she continued eating

"well that's good hope you will love your school too ..infact I asked max to take you to school tomorrow...am sorry I have a meeting to attend early"as she caressed her wavy hair

"I will be fine mom...Max and Carl will drop me before he goes to his colleage right Carl"

"yes baby ..I will and I will pick you from school too"as he offered

"Then that's good ...let's go to sleep"as they left for bed