
On a mountain peak, In dense fog there was a lone figure seated in cross-legged position.

Fog had an unusually purple color. All of a sudden, the fog started swirling around the figure and entered it.

Then the figure stood up and now with fog gone, one can clearly see the figure was tall and handsome man. Anyone can notice at a glance that he was still in his late thirties.

He sighed and said "It's been a month and half and I have already achieved the late stage of this cultivation manual"

He threw the book he had with him and started ascending the mountain to its top peak while muttering "Still not enough, not enough, want to conquer, everything, let's escape , let's see the whole universe, after knowing the truth, this place is just like a cage for me"

After some time he reached the peak and looked at the sky angrily. he yelled "Fu*k you, do you think that I will stay in this ruins my entire life. heavens I will come up one day and conquer everything, the whole of multiverse, everything will come under me and no one above me"

he stopped and then yelled again "I will complete this dream of mine, which every man has thought of once in his lifetime"

"All under me no one above me"

"All under me no one above me"

"All under me no one above me"

Knowing or unknowingly by yelling this words he unsealed something inside him which he himself was unaware of at the time.

Dark clouds started to gather around the mountain and thundering of clouds started.

he yelled "I Joe will conquer you, Heavens 'will' is going to be defied by me"

At the same time, in the sky black energy started pouring out. Out of nowhere an portal opened and with a thunderclap Joe was sucked in.

He yelled furiously but he could only let himself sucked in the portal, he thought 'If I can't escape this even at my level, then I can only give up and see what this is about'

Then the portal disappeared and world came back to normal but it was a huge phenomenon that will become a legend around this mountain for decades.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

It was a daytime, In a huge room, there was a luxurious bed and right now, a boy was sleeping while sweating profusely. Besides the bed a beautiful middle aged women was sitting while checking his condition.

There were total four people present in the room and there was pin drop silence in the room. Then the lady got up from the bed and said "I don't know how, but it seems that overnight his fever has gone down miraculously"

There were various expressions on the faces of people present there. The man present there spoke "Thank you lady Darcia, our noble house will not forget your favor to get here as soon as possible and treating him"

Darcia replied "Please, there's no need for any of that, my lord Duke" After taking quick glance at the boy she said "Although his condition is improved, I suggest you send him to me for checkup once his recovered enough"

Then Duke said while walking towards the door "Well... We will do as you say. Then let me see you off at least" to which she replied "Thank you, and as I was saying..." there voice trailed off as the door closed.

As those two left, the remaining ladies also got up to leave. But one of them got close to the boy and said "Baby wake up soon... Mother can't see you in this state any more" after giving him a kiss she left.

Now the room descended in an eerie silence, which was broken by the girl who seemed to be in her late teens "Just my luck... How did this b*stard's body survived the poison?" after hearing this the boy winced but she didn't notice.

She said while leaving "Sh*t what should I do? he only gave me this choice, if I want to be married to him and get the throne"

As the door closed the boy's eyes opened slowly. He had very handsome face with a tinge of innocence, but the black hair and his beautiful blue and deep ocean like eyes increased his charm. As he sat up, he had a murderous look on his face, which was quite funny to see on a 6 year old boy.

Yes, he was the young lord of the Duke's House Sean. The wealthiest nobel's son Travis sean, he was born with silver spoon. His father the lord of family White Sean, he was strict father but he still loved him and gave him freedom to do almost anything in his territory unless involving other major nobles. Well he was only six, so one might say he was still young to cause trouble. But it was terrible mistake to think that way.

Travis was really spoiled by his family and because of his mother's nobel status in harem, he was given more freedom on his spendings. It was to the level where even other harem members also treated him in high regards. Because of all this reasons he had given quite hard time to his father white.

At his fifth birthday, travis had teased the royal princess of the kingdom by kissing on her cheeks. One might say, that it is normal for kids to act in this way. But the perpetrator was son of Duke, while the other party was royal princess herself. But it was relief that princess was in her late twenties and really mature to let the matter go. But still his father had to spend quite the sum to appease the royal family.

Anyway after checking his body conditions he smiled and said "Ah, it's seems we have crossed the world and I'm in this boy's body"

"Ahh..That fu*king headache the whole night, I thought it was over for me. but who would have thought that I would end up in this body of this Travis guy"

"Well everything has a reason. Thanks to that predicament I have gained all the memories of travis"

In the memories of Travis, Joe found that this body was little weak from birth and had caught some disease a month ago.

After concluding that he was not under any kind of surveillance, he stood up and walked close to the window and looked at the leaving carriage from his mansion and thought 'That girl named Darcia, She was little weird and I was able to sense that she isn't some middle aged women'

'Also she had no intention of removing the poison. As I can still feel it in my body... How cute. Seems like we will have lots of fun here...' his thoughts trailed off as he was remembering his father's harem and an evil smile crept up on his face as he closed the windows and thought 'First thing I need to do is to train and see how much this body can take'