Tatiana Returns

At the moment, Travis was little overwhelmed.

It was almost evening and he had prepared everything for his journey. His destination was Drakerol Forests, more accurately an outpost near the forest.

However, Right now little Aria, who was not so little anymore had hugged him in her embrace. She was crying since an hour. Travis at first was happy seeing someone that cared about him so much. But it was almost time for his departure.

He had already sent her mother to the main mansion, telling that it would be suspicious if they were to stay close all the time. She thought 'This son of mine... When he wanted to milk me, no one was suspicious then. but now all of a sudden he wants me to go?' But she still obliged at last, considering the big 'responsibility' he had given her.

Anyway Travis had enough of Aria, he didn't wanted to part with her on a sad note. She was already 18 and now she was also going to join a reputable academy in the kingdom. Heck he even arranged for Vlad, to study from early age. But he gave him strict instructions not to cultivate and only improve some physical strength.

Anyway, He patted her head trying to calm her down, then his hand slid down through her back to her now curvy and tight ass. he groped her ass and gave it a little squeeze. She instantly jerked from her position.

She looked towards him resentfully, the tears in her eyes were still evident "Travis!! Must you go? You can join the academy with me. There are special classes for nobles there"

Travis smiled wryly, He already knew about all the courses. Honestly, if he were to go there. The professors would have to take lessons from him, He ignored her plead and wiped her tears.

He looked straight in her eyes and said "Aria, The things that I said to you before, I will stay true to them" he paused and kissed her, she tried to escape from his clutch but he continued "Remember, However much time has passed, I will come back for you. So just wait, okay?"

Aria stared in his deep blue eyes and finally let him hug her. she again cried for a while and nodded 'I can see now... Travis, you are not planning to settle down anytime. If I want to be with you, I have to work for it. To stand beside you' She had determination in her eyes and as if to show it, she kissed him herself for the first time. Travis' eyes were wide open, For some reason there was a ripple in his heart. first time in a really very long time.

When he accepted it and let his tongue roam around in Arias' he truly didn't want this treasure to leave behind in the academy. Aria who finally noticed that things have gotten out of hand, Broke free from his embrace, But still before leaving the room she gave a little peck on his moist lips and left swiftly.

_ _ _ _ _

A carriage was waiting outside of the main mansion of Sean House. Unexpectedly the driver of the carriage was Cameron, The Guards Captain. He had a hood on and was having some snacks before the departure.

Travis smiled when he saw no one came for his farewell except for one person. Well everyone in the family thought that it was his new way for causing trouble for the Duke. Travis looked at Vlad, who's eyes were little moist. he was doing a terrible job of hiding his tears, He was only 13.

In this years, Travis had influenced the kid so much that his vision had changed. Vlad of now could be said to have even higher ambitions. Travis patted his head and said "Vlad, do you know what lies ahead of the horizon?" Vlad who was trying to hide his sadness thought about what his master was talking about and shook his head in denial.

Travis had a profound smile on his face as he gazed at the setting sun, he said "It's very simple Vlad, If one doesn't know what lies ahead that horizon, then there is only one way to find it out"

he looked back at Vlad, Vlad felt that Travis was directly looking at his soul with his deep ocean like eyes, he said "Venture in dark, It doesn't matter if our actions has caused our desire or our desire is causing us to take action. Whatever may be the result, You will be proud of yourself that you were the one who tried to look ahead" he paused and said "Today your big brother is going to venture in dark Vlad, hold the fort, until I come back victorious from the world beyond the horizon" Vlad realised something deep in his words, Travis was not talking about holding the fort today, it had complete opposite meaning which he understood. Heck this was not even Travis' fort to begin with, not now atleast.

Vlad looked at him with fierce eyes which seemed to say 'Travis go all out, I will hold the fort'. A while later, as he calmed down he said "By the way, I am older then you big brother, Shouldn't it be other way around?" he was talking about the way Travis addressed himself as his big brother.

Travis: "Then why did you call me big brother?"

Vlad: "..." He promised himself, he would never call this hateful guy his big brother.

Travis said "Anyway, Where is White Sean? He didn't even came to see me off, Doesn't he want to atleast keep the belief that I am true heir of the dukedom?"

Vlad had a horrified expression, he said "Travis I know about your relationships with the Duke, But you should call him Duke or father when outside, lest someone troublesome hears what you said" he continued "And about the Duke. He is not feeling well so he sent a message saying 'be safe'. Okay?"

Travis was delighted hearing this piece of news, he thought 'I will be safe out there, But white what about you? haha' He headed towards his carriage.

Travis opened the door of the carriage and a fragrance wafted all over him, but he was shocked seeing someone was already inside and what was even more shocking for him was that it was someone he knew, He already had their name in his hitlist.

Yes, It was Tatiana Sean. His family's poison beauty. She still had that venomous gaze on Travis. It seemed she had also matured in this few years. Unlike Travis who had black hairs from his father, she had blonde hair like Candace and blue eyes. For some reason her charm was completely different from Candace. An intense desire to conquer her was born in him, but he breathed in and out. After calming himself he looked behind at the mansion after sensing an intense gaze.

A figure in white could be seen at the window. Travis thought 'Ohh.. It seems I missed something while staying this long in House Sean. what was her name again? Yeah... Adele" Travis got the news sometime ago that Duke had gotten his hands on a beauty and he was keeping her out of everyone's eyes.

he shrugged and was about to enter the carriage when Cameron came to his side with smiling face but beads of sweat was visible on his forehead. He said "H-haha, Young master Travis long time no see, You have grown up now and your body is also looking well trained. Good good wanna try some snacks?" he was nervous but he still gave a knowing look to Travis.

Travis was not happy seeing Cameron's condition, But he smiled "Wow, Senior you think so? I really trained hard you know. Anyway thanks for the snacks, haha" inwardly he cursed 'Bastard at least don't praise my well built body while giving out snacks. It's suspicious as hell'

Cameron instantly went back and prepared to leave. Travis entered the carriage and sat accross Tatiana without saying anything, She was pleased with his attitude. She thought he was showing her respect and she was expecting that he would ask her about her sudden appearance.

However, Travis just opened the small package filled with peanuts and gave a smile. 'Ohh, not bad Cameron' He started eating them while looking down as if reading something?

Tatiana was angered by his behaviour. She said "Aren't you curious, why am I here? Did you already found out about the poison? Tell me how did you cure it. It's impossible without outside help. Lady Darcia couldn't have cu-" She covered her mouth. It seemed she wasn't supposed to tell that.

Travis at this moment should have been happy confirming his doubts but instead he was frowning. Because in the package there was a tissue below the peanuts, it had something written on it. It only had four words.

"Second Prince Maverick Norma"

At the same time the carriage made it's way out of the mansion. Travis was clearly annoyed by this.

'Fucking Hell. Even before I stepped out of the territory of Sean Family Dukedom, trouble found it's way to me'

* * *

[A/N: Hey readers, The power stone voting on my second novel has been finally, enabled?

For some reason before it didn't support the ps voting.

Now it is open for power stones. Guys vote power stones their cause I am participating in the WPC contest from that novel, only about 5 days are left before the final ranking ;)

Thank you for reading.]