
Duncan slowly walked the passageway without any aim or particular direction in mind. He had already lost his way, so it was useless to try and find a route back to the entrance.

However, it had already been more than three days by his count. He had been given a week to survive and return. He was halfway there. It was time he went back towards the entrance and rode this entire ordeal out.

Currently, Duncan was in the interior regions. So, Duncan was heading toward the direction he thought the outer regions were in. Duncan knew that he would obviously run into cannibals on his way out. In fact, he was looking forward to it. Killing them could increase his slaughter qi and that way allow him to progress to the next level.

But, it was easier said than done. He had no clue as to where he was at. Hence Duncan had decided to walk in a random direction in the hopes that his luck held true and he came across someplace he could identify.