[Bonus chapter]A New Goal

Duncan's journey into grass fields was relatively peaceful for a while. 

He didn't come across any demonic beasts for some time. He also didn't hear the ruckus of those damn monkeys for a long time. Peace finally returned to Duncan's mind as he enjoyed the temporary sound of the wind rustling through the grasses and felt it caress his face.

Letting out a bright smile Duncan slowed down his pace and took in the scenery around him. Wherever his vision passed he only saw grasses. It was like being in a desert, only the sand was replaced with grasses. 

Duncan hadn't actually seen a desert in his life. But, he had come across a depiction of it in the sect scripture hall. Seeing mounds and mounds of sand piled together that they even made a hill impacted Duncan in a strange way. Ever since then, that image has been imprinted in his eyes.