
"What's going on? Why are there no stars? Where is the moon? Even when clouds covered those hilly regions, there were indication of stars hidden behind them. That place never became this dark. Something feels off," Duncan mumbled looking around warily.

Suddenly, his danger sense started screaming and he acted on instinct. He vanished from the spot he was in and appeared a few paced above the ground and looked down. Duncan was currently executing with his qi, enabling him to step on air and be safe for the moment.

As Duncan looked from above, the mound he had been sitting upon split into two suddenly, causing Duncan's eyes to widen in shock. In the exact spot, he had been sitting until a moment ago, a tail with a pointed end pierced into it with force. There was no sound or indication as to the arrival of the tail.

Duncan's hair stood on end as he saw the origin of the tail.