
"Heh, don't be so eager to accept this task. I have told you many times to never be eager to volunteer yourself without knowing the full information. But, it looks like this message hasn't sunk into your mind, yet!" the hoarse voice sounded a little disapprovingly.

"Replying to His Majesty, this slave has always followed your instructions and teachings. However, as it is His Majesty that is issuing the task, the slave dares not think too much. This life was given to this slave by His Majesty! Even if I lose my life in service to His Majesty, this slave would be willing. So, there was never a need for me to think much," Cang Tian said solemnly.

"He he he…" the hoarse voice chuckled. "Looks like you have learned to speak eloquently in the past few centuries, eh, Little Tian? Nevermind that. The task I am assigning you is very important to me. In fact, if I am not imprisoned here, I would have handled it myself personally."