Ruins of Starsinger Town

Duncan stood before the ruined wreck with complicated emotions in his heart.

This was Starsinger Town.

The town he grew up in. Even though he didn't have much attachment to this town in general, his heart couldn't help but wince seeing the devastation laid out before him. Anger, sorrow, and grief mixed up in his heart, making it heavy.

When he stepped outside of the Starsinger Town one year ago, Duncan didn't think he would never see it again. His life in this town wasn't anything majestic or heartwarming, but this town had been his home. 

To see it become a ruin like this, Duncan felt an undescribable irritation in his heart. Duncan knew that in this world, entire villages being exterminated overnight wasn't a rare scene. Even kingdoms fall overnight, let alone a small town like Starsinger Town.