Huang Muyang's Anguish

"Yue-er!!!" Huang Muyang cried in anguish.

Ming Yue was his latest collection in his harem. She was cute and very coquettish. He pampered her since he got his hooks into her. He always treated her gently and acquised all her demands. Seeing her die like this in front of his eyes, and that too by the woman he trusted most, hurt him more than anything.

"Hmph! Are you crying over not being able to lay with that bitch after she died? Don't worry, you will soon be with your Yue-er in the afterlife. Not just her, I will send all these bitches who embarrassed me with you to the afterlife," Jing Youlan sneered at Huang Muyang.

Hearing her words, the surrounding women started to panic and cry for help. Huang Muyang was still reeling from the heavy-handed attack from Jing Youlan. So, help from him was not going to come anytime soon.