Chapter 5

"No, no...."Someone was screaming

I look at the alarm clock, it was still 1:45am. Could it be that people are fighting at this hour of the night. No. It seems as if the person is in danger or they are attacking the person. But how come Jake and Chloe didn't wake up even with the way the noise is getting louder they didn't even flinch. They are sleeping as if everything is alright and there is peace everywhere. Maybe they are in their land of love.

I got down and trail were the noise is coming from. The hallway was very quiet, everyone seems to be sleeping. Not even a single soul is around the hallway. The noise was coming from the room I left earlier, the door wasn't lock so it was easy for me to enter.

There he was holding his ears and screaming. All the novel that was on his table were scattered on the floor. The lamp has been smashed on the floor.

Someone that was bold some hours ago looks scared now as if he has seen a ghost. I ran to him and hug him tight as my arm could hug him.

"It's okay" I said trying to calm him down

His yelling seems to reduce as he hugged me back pulling me in a tight embrace. I walked him to his bed, he hugged me tightly with his big arm as if I'm his only support in life. As I tried releasing myself from him, he didn't even shift a muscle. Why is he so strong? instead his grip was more tight making me to surrender into his arm. He laid on the bed making to lay with him, I didn't bother trying to releasing myself

because it's useless.

Soon, I heard him snoring indicating he had drifted to sleep making me to join him in the land of dreams.

When I woke up it was 6:00am. I have to leave so I could get to the dormitory before the day becomes bright. I tried getting up but some stopped me. It took me time to recollect what happened. Removing his arm around my waist was not easy so it left me with no option than to wake him. I turned to wake him up but his gorgeous face cut me off guard, I removed the hair that was covering his angelic face. He his so damn cute. My finger trail his eyebrows then to his eyes, his cheek is tender and flawless. I touched his tender soft lips, they are damn beautiful and he also looks damn gorgeous as he sleeps.

I'm not meant to be doing this, I removed my hand immediately I realized what I was doing. His eyes flung opened making my heart to slam against my chest. Our lips were only few inches away from each other.

"Hmm, I wanted to take my leave."

"Ok." He said removing his arm from my waist

I stood up to leave but he stopped me.

"Wait."He called walking closer to me.

"You forgot your bracelet the other time."

"Ooh. Thank you." I said collecting it from him

"You welcome."

"Kayish." He said shaking my hand.


"I'm sorry for what I said earlier."

"It's ok, it's my fault, I shouldn't have come into your room"

"Even though, I shouldn't have called you all what I said."

"It's ok, I have to leave now."

"Let me escort you"

"No... Actually I came with someone." I said putting my hair behind my ear.

"Ok. Bye."

"Bye." I said leaving.

The hallway wasn't quite as it was before. Chloe was still asleep. I woke her up because we can't waste anytime here anymore

"Common, let go"

"Ok."She said getting up

She wore her clothes quickly and woke Jake up

"You're leaving" He said with disappointed in his voice.


He got up and came close to her. He his muscular and tall but not as muscular as Kayish. He held her waist and kissed her hungrily as if he his starving for her kiss. Her hand move to his neck making the kiss deeper

Why do they have to do this? Thankfully, She broke the kiss before I could pretend as if I was coughing.

"I have to go"

"Ok."He said hugging her


"Will you come tonight."


"Please come"

"Ok." She said entangling herself from their hug

If she's going to come tonight, she should count me out of it, I'm not coming along with her.

"Let's go" She said holding my hand

"Bye Adorna" He said waving

"Bye." I said waving back.

I wasn't really nervous as I was when we came, going back was easier. Nessa was fast asleep when I entered. I had my bath and went for class, she woke up when I was leaving.

I didn't really pay attention to what the teacher was saying because my mind was occupied with Kayish and I'm mad at Chloe for what happened. Soon it was time for break.

Chloe and I went to the cafeteria together .I want to tell her about yesterday night but I don't know how to start the conversation

"I'm sorry for what happened last night. she said immediately we reached our table.

"I'm not coming with you tonight "

"I know you are upset, I never knew we're going to have a sleep over." She said eating her pizza

I wanted to ask her if she had anyone screaming

"I'm not upset, it's ok..."

"Are you going to come with me tonight?"

"No, did you heard anything last night?"
