Chapter 7

Jeez, were could his angel be? Let her appear like the way she appeared the other time. This dreams keeps on tormenting him, he his always afraid to sleep because of this torturing dreams that he keep on having.

He has to find out things about her tomorrow and also make her come. Thankfully tomorrow is Friday, a day everyone in CLU always wish for. Let her agree to come, if she doesn't come he doesn't have any options than to go back to his realm and that what his Grandfather always wanted.

He really hopes she agrees and he doesn't want to use his power on his little angel that just appeared to him. Someone he doesn't like the first time is the person he is running to for support. The time she spent the night with him he remembered her gentle, soft and caring touch. The way she roam her hand along his face, he will never forget those magical hand that does nothing but to calm him down.

But, how will he get her tomorrow? He doesn't know her surname, department, room or anything about her. He tried using his power but he couldn't get a single hint. It's going to be hard to find her but he will try his possible best so he will be able to smell her sweet fragrance that smells of flowers once again.

Morning was fast approaching without him getting a little bit of sleep. He got prepared for lecture and left.

His search begins now.

He entered some classes, many girls waved at him but he didn't give any of them face. His main focus now is Adorna. Why does human drool for him especially girls but he always put on his No_smiling face and continued his ultimate search. He doesn't really have friends cause people are afraid of him cause of his cold Aura around him. He rake his long hair with his fingers

Finally, he saw her at the back of a class talking to her friend, he guess. How could someone this bad be this innocent sweet girl friend. Finally, after the long search he has seen her. Now how will he approach her when she is so engross in her conversation and lecture is about to start in the next five minutes.

"Wow! what he doing here?" A girl whisper

"He doesn't roam about" The girl beside her said

"Maybe he has a girlfriend now"

"Who could that be?"

"I don't know"

"Let wait to check"

He chuckled inwardly. Human and their gossips. Anyway, that isn't the matter at hand, his main focus now is how to ask her for a sleepover in his room. Maybe he should come during break but will she be in class? If she isn't in class, she is definitely going to be in the cafeteria and he doesn't want to go there but for her he will have to go, so he could confront her to come over. He went to his class when he saw a teacher approaching her class.

Soon it was time for break, he didn't really pay attention because his mind is preoccupied with Adorna and her accepting to come over. He went to the cafeteria. Will he search this entire place for her?

"What's he doing here" A girl asked one of the girl he saw before lecture.

"I don't know, he was even roaming around the classroom area this morning"

"But he never roam about"

"Maybe, he is looking for someone"

"He is very handsome"

Can't they keep their useless conversation to themselves

"Guess who's here?" Someone shouted.

"OMG, what's he doing here?"

This humans needs to learn how to mind their business. He used his power to silence them making them not to notice his presence anymore. He scanned the hall and eventually saw her talking to that same girl, he can't approach her with the girl near her. He has to find a way to make her leave. Reading her thoughts wasn't difficult, all what in her thoughts is Jake.

He used his power to look for Jake. When he eventually find him, he made him walk beside their table. Immediately she sighted him she left the table and went to meet him, leaving his angel for him now, using the opportunity to take her space and approach Adorna

"Hi." He said dropping his plate of spaghetti and shrimps on the table

Her eyes widened in surprised


"How have you been?" he said sitting opposite her

"Good. What about you?"

F**k! how will he start? he is not used of asking help from human. This is the first time he is doing this in his entire life. Why is it so difficult?

"Same. How was lecture?"

"Good. Your's?"

"Good also. Actually...I... want to... ask you... for a... favour."

"Ooh, ok."

"Can you come over tonight?" He said it in a rush.

He knows if it was other human girls, they will jump to the offer. And very excited to have a sleepover in his room but he doesn't know what is going to be her reaction

"What are you saying?"

"For you to please come over tonight. I mean have a sleepover"

He knows he sounds stupid but he doesn't know anyway to bring up this conversation. This is the only way he could come up with.

"I Know it's crazy, but I'm having those dreams and it seems it only you who makes it not to come."

"Sorry, I can't come."

"Please." He pleaded.

He has never begged anyone before

"It's risky, I could get cut or anything stupid can happen. I can't come. I'm sorry I don't think...."

"You will read any novel you want. I promise I won't yell"

Why did he say that? he can't believe he is allowing someone to read his novel willingly. She is left speechless.

"I will try"

"Is that a yes?"


"Thanks" he said beaming