Chapter 14

His room was not locked so I turned the knob and entered. A girl was on his bed making my eyes to widened in bewilderment. How could he? Why did he invited me when he has another girl? I felt a big lump in my throat

This isn't the right time to cry Adorna. Just turn and walk away, do as if you didn't see anything.

"Just come to me baby." The girl said her voice was hoarse.

She is drunk. She is even calling him baby.

"What are you doing here? Just get the fuck out of my room." He yelled at her jerking her by her arm.

He should be gentle with her. Why I'm I pitying her when she's the one that made me want to cry.

"Why are you so difficult to get?" She said hugging his arm. "Do you know how much I love you. And you are proving difficult cutie pie." She said pinching his cheek

I felt like punching her face, I clenched my hand in a tight fist making my knuckles turn white.

He pulled her hand away from his cheek like a piece of sh*t and pulled her out of the room.

"Do you want to try?" She asked when she was at my front. "Don't because he is very diffi...."

He pulled her out of my sight. One part of me was annoyed cause she said those three words that I don't want anyone to tell him. I turned to leave and walk very fast.

"Adorna." He called

I didn't reply.

"Adorna, wait." He said walking after me.

"Don't reply Adorna." My inner mind warned me.

I wanted to turn and run into his arms and hug him tight like I've never done before.

"I said wait." He said holding my hand stopping me from my track.

My eyes is watery. I don't want him to see me in this state.

"Let go of me." I said pulling my hand but his grip was tight.

My voice was sober and smoky. Why did my voice betrayed me?

"I said let go of me."

He still didn't leave me. He turned me making me to face him.

"Why did you invite me when you have someone else?"

"I don't know her, Adorna."

"Just let go of me."

I need sometimes to clear my head.

"No, I'm not doing that." He said scooping me in his arms.

"Drop me." I said swinging my legs so he would let go of me but it was effortless because he seems no to answer.

He entered his room and closed the door with his hips. Dropping me on the bed, he laid down beside me placing his arm around my waist stopping me from moving away from his grip making me to lean on his hard chest. He dragged me nearer and placed his head in my neck.

"Please stay." He whispered kissing the nape of my neck.

I stopped what I was doing. Not struggling to release myself from his grip anymore instead I took this moment to enjoy this feeling.

Gosh! This girl is so damn stubborn. Why is she angry over what happened? Is not as if he proposed to someone in front of her, he didn't even kiss anyone.

Wait! Could it be that she is jealous? Why is she jealous? Is it that she doesn't want to see him with any girl? This humans are so difficult to understand.

So she would have left him assuming he didn't stop her. Thank goodness, she didn't leave because he doesn't know how tonight will be without her. He always have restless night and sleepless nights without her by his side. Nothing is going to stop him from having her all to himself. Not even her.

Just a kiss and she stopped struggling.

"Please stay." He pleaded.

She didn't say anything but remained quiet. Also, she didn't bother struggling to get away from his grip but remained motionless.

"I'm sorry." He said when the silence was getting longer than expected.

Still no response. Tired of the silence, he turned her to look into her eyes, the pain in her eyes was unresolved. It was crystal clear, she wants to cry.

"Adorna." He called without adverting his gaze from hers.

"mmh." She groaned.

"I'm sorry." He said tucking a strand of her hair beneath her ears.

She blinked her eyes severally to avoid the tears from rolling down her cheeks.

How do they compensate human? If it was in his world he would have left the woman alone to cry all she wants but now his heart crushed just watching the stairs roll down her cheeks. He felt like slapping himself for doing this. A slap isn't enough for him. Maybe she should torture him in the worst possible way.

"Punish me." He couldn't believe he said that out.

She looked at him with her eyes widened, her phone rang breaking the intense moment. She got up from the bed to pick the call.

"Hello Dad." Her voice was hoarse

"Are you ok, Adorna?" He asked.

"Yh." She sniffed.

"We're you crying?"


"Is it you roommate?"


"Com'n talk to me Adorna, I will ..."

"I will talk to you later."

"Wait Adorna."

"Bye Dad..." She said hanging up.

His heart squeeze in pain. She just lied to her father because of him.

"Adorna." He called walking towards her. "If punishing me will ease your pain then punish me in any way you want." He said cupping her face in his large palm.

She looked at him in bewilderment, her eyes was clear now apart from the dry tears that stick on her cheeks.

"I'm ok." She said smiling but it didn't reach her eyes.



She doesn't know how to lie. There was pain hidden in her Amber eyes.

"Stop lying."

"I'm... not." She said adverting her gaze.

"Then don't leave me... tonight."

"I'm not leaving you."